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    Prior Strike 2011?


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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Prior Strike 2011?

    Post  Ruthmmforum Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:06 pm

    Apparently this is not the first ever strike against the Mystery Mansion developers.

    While much of the posts on the following link refer to a company called 6Waves they clearly had a partnership with GameInsight – it is all very confusing to me however. Perhaps someone here knows the history – perhaps it doesn’t pertain at all?

    At first glance it seems like same cast of characters and same complaints.

    Notice that Inga Shukurina who has been responding to the Facebook postings today also posted on this page.

    Also, the developer who seemed to enrage so many folks is currently the chief developer at Game Insight – Leonid Siroten.

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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Re: Prior Strike 2011?

    Post  pianofingers Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:15 pm

    6waves is the developer of the original Facebook app.

    GI is the publisher of the iOS version. To my knowledge, it's still 6waves who does all the updates, coding & development work, even on the iOS side, but it's GI that makes the decisions.

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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Uh-oh!

    Post  diana621 Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:23 pm

    It seems they survived the 2011 strike with no problem - in fact they've expanded to a new platform...doesn't bode well for us.

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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Re: Prior Strike 2011?

    Post  Kristi927 Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:27 pm

    This was a strike on the Facebook version before the iOS version was ever released.

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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Re: Prior Strike 2011?

    Post  Ruthmmforum Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:32 pm

    Makes sense it is Facebook Version. It is not encouraging that same folks from GI involved this go round. I could be wrong lets hope so and good luck to all with conference call.

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    Prior Strike 2011? Empty Re: Prior Strike 2011?

    Post  Hilly Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:45 am

    I found this article about layoffs at 6waves and a change in their business from dev to publishing (which is what GI say they do afair).
    I think I'm going to stick to indie games in future or companies that do their own dev. That way, the coding is done by people who care about the game Wink

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