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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

Aphrodite- PJ/TJ
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    Post  IsabellaBeckett Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:19 pm

    Game Insights is running a special for diamonds again this weekend. Some are probably thinking this is very bad timing and could only further irritate customers who are frustrated with the current situation but what happens over the course of this promotion is likely to directly affect how any of us are handled by GI moving forward. I assure you that a good deal of the delay in their response was so that they could see how this weekend promotion would play out.

    GI is testing the market to determine how lasting and how damaging their losses will be if they do not properly address us. By running a promotion, they get to see in a reduced window of time how much influence the boycott has. And right now, we are losing. Mystery Manor is climbing the Top Grossing Chart, having lifted from #25 to #17. If you truly desire to be taken seriously, you MUST show them that the boycott will be able to continue to influence their bottom line in a substantial way.

    You must do more than simply continue your boycott.

    As quickly as you are able to, please consider creating a short message that you can cut and paste on ALL of your MM friends' walls, ESPECIALLY the lower level players, imploring them to continue to boycott all purchases through this weekend.

    Up-vote me, down-vote me, I really don't care I just hope that you will listen and take a small portion of the energy you have been using to post in here to get this very important message out to your friend list.

    This will be my last post on this forum, as I have been informed by one of the more frequent posters that my method of delivery is not in keeping with a positive environment in this forum. I am only posting to here now because it provides me with an audience of people who actually can affect the outcome of MM's sales this weekend. But only if you work together and reach out to people on your friend's list who play the game, but are completely uninterested in MMUFF and will not come here for information. There are at least 50,000 of them you know.

    I wish you much luck in your continued efforts.

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    Post  ycul Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:41 pm

    I'll post it in my manor. No problem!
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ

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    Post  Aphrodite- PJ/TJ Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:03 pm

    I have been posting not to buy diamonds and to come to mmuff forum this week on my wall with good feedback from new lower level friends I have been adding.

    I know everyone is upset (understatement) about removal of the friend codes and many have refused to friend lower level players that randomly show up on their friend walls. This may be a mistake- as a result of lack of upper level direction, support and education- the lower levels are continuing with the game and may be continuing to buy diamonds.

    This is counterproductive to the points trying to be made by many and may be backfiring in the talks with Game Insight!

    IF YOU ARE IN YOUR MANOR - not only post on your wall but add and educate a lower level if you can!

    All in love and peace:)

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    Post  Flamingo Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:42 pm

    IsabellaBeckett wrote:Game Insights is running a special for diamonds again this weekend. Some are probably thinking this is very bad timing and could only further irritate customers who are frustrated with the current situation but what happens over the course of this promotion is likely to directly affect how any of us are handled by GI moving forward. I assure you that a good deal of the delay in their response was so that they could see how this weekend promotion would play out.

    This will be my last post on this forum, as I have been informed by one of the more frequent posters that my method of delivery is not in keeping with a positive environment in this forum.
    First, I thought you were against GI answering any of the questions/problems and just to fix things?
    Now I am confused. confused
    I know you were against the Skype Conference, as were many others. But to tell you honestly, I don't think it would have happened anyway given the head honchos were at a conference in Germany. Maybe only a secretary would have been on the other end of the screen? Their canned response is all that we would have received ... We're working on that ... (not there is anything demeaning about a Sect'y). Behind every successful person is a well organized and intellegant secretary!

    I always write any responses on my notepad first and walk away. Then go back and reread it to see if it is too harsh or strong or too weak and meager. It is way too easy to press that send button.

    Secondly, only the Admin can force you to leave this forum. I don't think it should matter how many posts someone has actually made, it does not give them the right to ask you to leave for having strong opinions. Now if you were bashing another member and causing disruption with them, that is a different matter. But just voicing your opinion, be it popular or not, should not be means for banishment.

    Please stay and continue to contribute to the forum! We need all the help we can get!
    I personally will continue to boycotte playing & will definitely NOT be purchasing any diamonds!!
    This is just IMHO ... From someone who was one of the first members of this forum. flower

    Last edited by Flamingo on Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Ruthmmforum Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:01 pm

    Hi Isabella, I regret that any one member, frequent poster or otherwise, has critisized your "method of delivery" to the point that you are withdrawing your participation. I have reviewed every single post you have ever made in this community. I find that all were respective and productive. In addition many document the actions you have taken promoting media coverage and emphasizing the bottom line business factors that almost every company will respond to.

    My further observation is that the driving complaint is that you did not jump on the bandwagon regarding the conference calls and continued to express your concerns. Conference call or no conference call we would not be where we are today without your efforts.


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    Post  Connie-pia Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:09 pm

    I'll do it, too. Thanks!

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    Post  Chickenchick111 Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:16 pm

    Hey everyone, I did post earlier about the weekend promo, which I hope is so naff anyway it won't entice anyone, it is not even clear what the chest contains, suggests detective chest but if so only contains fifty of each thing. Id be surprised if anyone bought it and did manage to steer a couple of my mates away from the purchase but as yet hadn't posted on my wall as haven't really played. Personally I have been adding the low level four that pop up on my friend tab daily because I know what it was like trying to find none who wanted to add a lev 16 player when it was me. I'll try to deter the purchases, I'm certain that's why they've done the promo as a test but thought they go all out for a big one to reel people in. I'd worked out from the rota system it would be a chest this weekend as opposed to leprechaun etc but really thought they'd try to massage us to sedation with a whopper of an offer. I have found from talking on my wall this week there are some people who really don't want to join either side of the division and with the newbs wanting to try to complete monsters I've found it more productive instead of advising ones against strikes or not playing just cos they genuinely still want to play, to tell them instead not to buy them now as monsters will be back and hopefully weapons may cost less in the future.

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    Post  IsabellaBeckett Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:47 pm

    I really do appreciate your responses in this thread. To clarify, I do not feel forced to leave this forum, I just don't feel that it is for me based on my experiences over the last few days.

    I have been playing since December, and really have never had that much to say Smile

    I probably won't have that much to say moving forward. The game is a pastime for me, so I haven't really looked to connect with people outside of those on my friend list. I had never even posted to the wall on Facebook prior to all of this craziness this week!

    I was moved to join the forum for the sole purpose of this effort, in hopes of helping to make it stronger. I felt that my public relations knowledge could help. So please understand that I know that I have not been banished from participation - I do appreciate your kind words emphasizing this. And I am not so sensitive that I am upset about being down voted or that others are expressing opposing views from my own - a few minutes on here made it very clear that my views were not part of the majority on this forum and I continued to post, regardless Smile

    I will say though that I don't feel that some of the more vocal and active members of the forum appreciate when new or opposing views are posted. This makes it difficult for most to express their opinions, and that is really a shame. While I disagreed with the arguments made by others, I clearly disagreed with their views and never attacked them as individuals. I, on the other hand, have been called condescending, hostile, and disagreeable..... personally.

    Just some food for thought.

    For those of you posting to your friends' walls..... THANK YOU!! This is truly the most effective way to reach the majority of people who play this game, and like me, just play the game and aren't really involved with it outside of the app.

    And for anyone silly enough to want to point out that I said the last post would be my last, please don't. I have no interest in being disrespectful to the people who have posted to this thread, and felt the need to let them know that I heard them and appreciate them.

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    Post  SJ Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:48 am


    Who gives a stuff what one person said about your delivery! What about the post where I said "Isabella and Chick I admire your never say die attitudes and I'm glad you are on our side!!".

    Don't you go anywhere Soldier!!!! Or I'll come and smack your bum. We need you!

    Maybe just remind yourself that people's emotions are high, we all love our Manor so people are feeling a bit feistier than usual. Whilst you might not always 'sugar the pill', your ideas are useful and your points are valid. Stay united with us here at least until we can say we've achieved something??

    I agree about it being a bit scary to make your first post. "My name is SJ and I was a lurker for many months *hangs head*"

    But honestly noobs, just make your first little post and after that it's really easy I promise!!! Speak up, we want to hear your thoughts. Go on......I dare you to just say hello.....right here and now....

    I get hundreds of wall requests a day, and in return for my ten aspen leaves they have to put up with me spamming COME TO'T BUY DIAMONDS......TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR WALL.....

    If you can get a couple of people to then message their walls, then it becomes like pyramid selling and is a great way to spread the word.

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    Post  SJ Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:49 am

    *leaving a little trail of M&Ms on the ground to lead Isabella back to the fold* heh heh

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    Post  Mysticvision Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:07 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the forum but am very impressed!

    I have sent a message to all of my friends - though I only have 50. All who responded have been positive regarding not spending money this weekend. I have also redirected some of them to this site - hope that is OK.

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