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    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME


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    MM Name : samc147

    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME Empty Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME

    Post  Samc147 Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:21 pm

    I have two iPads. On my game I am level 205 and when I go to gift off the my wall from requests I get no Internet connection all the time so it takes me forever to do this. When I open my gift box it takes forever I am on iPad 3. 9 times out of ten whatever I do I get no internet connection.

    My other iPad I have opened a new game and I am currently level 10. Just thought I would see how GI are treating the newbies. I have both pads next to each other and on my level ten game I don't get any Internet errors what so over. Nothing is slow at all.

    I think that GI are trying to stop us old players play by frustrating us so much with the game as we don't buy diamonds like new players do.

    Also when they gave us the free 50 diamonds on my new game I got offered 24 hours to buy a chest with guess what 50 diamonds and all that was in it was 2 cups of coffee and then it said miscellaneous charms. So they even tried to tempt newbies to spend the 50 diamonds quicker.

    I seriously think that GI have now taken the utter biscuit out of us and something must be done.

    I will not give up on this game as I have so many friends on here.

    I would like you All to add a comment below like a petition so then I will copy it all and email it to GI to all there addresses you never know it may help.

    Last edited by Samc147 on Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I got it worng and fixed the problem it was not GI)

    Posts : 169
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    MM Name : samc147

    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME Empty Re: Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME

    Post  Samc147 Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:23 pm

    Samc147 wrote:I have two iPads. On my game I am level 205 and when I go to gift off the my wall from requests I get no Internet connection all the time so it takes me forever to do this. When I open my gift box it takes forever I am on iPad 3. 9 times out of ten whatever I do I get no internet connection.

    My other iPad I have opened a new game and I am currently level 10. Just thought I would see how GI are treating the newbies. I have both pads next to each other and on my level ten game I don't get any Internet errors what so over. Nothing is slow at all.

    I think that GI are trying to stop us old players play by frustrating us so much with the game as we don't buy diamonds like new players do.

    Also when they gave us the free 50 diamonds on my new game I got offered 24 hours to buy a chest with guess what 50 diamonds and all that was in it was 2 cups of coffee and then it said miscellaneous charms. So they even tried to tempt newbies to spend the 50 diamonds quicker.

    I seriously think that GI have now taken the utter biscuit out of us and something must be done.

    I will not give up on this game as I have so many friends on here.

    I would like you All to add a comment below like a petition so then I will copy it all and email it to GI to all there addresses you never know it may help.
    . The new chest was only offered to my level ten game.

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2012-06-12

    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME Empty petition

    Post  Jerry48c4f2 Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:06 pm

    You can add my name to your petition! It seems to me that GI is not only trying to discourage higher level players, but also people who play on iPads. Since there are more rooms and features on the Facebook version of MM than on the iPad version, it appears that their focus has shifted from players gathering friends by word of mouth and recruitment via Diamonds, toward exploiting the larger friends network that already exists on Facebook.

    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME Empty Re: Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:27 am

    Not to rain on the parade, but it should be noted that the higher your level and the more friends you have contributes to some MM issues. It was pointed out in one of the way early updates that people had trouble visiting people with a high number of friends, but in all the ruckus it was forgotten. Not to say that GI isn't buttiering up the newbies, but that being an oldie creates some issues.

    Posts : 169
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    Join date : 2012-06-08
    Location : London
    Friend Code : Pm me
    MM Name : samc147

    Possibly a new cunning plan from GI :( I GOT IT WRONG PLEASE READ THE LAST BIT FROM ME Empty I take it all back here is how i fixed my issue

    Post  Samc147 Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:56 am

    What I did was i turned off photo stream on my ipad from the cloud, i cleared my videos and photos that i did not want and my game is now running like a dream. So i take it all back. I love you GI (well i would not go that far)

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