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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts


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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:09 pm

    I just completed the quest.

    Assembling the Crystal Hearts gives you:
    - 2 Crystal hearts (speed up energy restoration 80% for 7 days each)
    - 1 Golden Flaming Heart (+30 energy, 85% energy restoration for 90 mins)
    - Golden Emerald Heart (+50 runestones, +30% room item drop rate for 90 mins)
    - Golden Mighty Heart (+10 strength, +80% strength for 90 mins)
    - 36000 gold coins
    - 450 exp
    - coffee
    - chocolate

    I will use my Crystal Heart along with the Golden Mighty Heart when my Faithful Heart takes effect. I'll also use a Magnet and Elephant of Wisdom to maximize their effectiveness.

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty One Charm Usable at a Time

    Post  Flamingo Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:14 pm

    You can only combine certain types of charms together.

    Thus, if you were using a Golden Turtle for 6 hours of 90% improvement of finding objects, and your Faithful Heart jumps into the game, it automatically boots your turtle back into its pond, lost forever!

    Last edited by Flamingo on Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Crystal heart quest and charm use

    Post  Shadowcat Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:01 pm

    How did you manage to get 240 pieces of the heart? Did you have to buy most of them?

    On charms, you can run multiple charms at once, as long as they do different things. So you can use one elephant AND one pheonix AND one magic magnet, etc.

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:38 pm

    I got all items except the heart fragments. I gathered about 30 on my own. I was gifted about 30 from friends.

    I had about 300 diamonds available. (I am really skimpy with them.) The rest of the diamonds were my motivation to create the Friend Code Synthesizer.

    I have added about 80 friends since then for roughly another 300 diamonds.


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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Gifting Valentine's Items

    Post  Flamingo Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:49 am

    If you wish to give your friends your unused Valentines Day Heart Fragments, you can gift as many as you desire.
    Just keep clicking their item on their wish list! It also works on some of the other heart items. sunny

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  engineer Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:00 pm

    I just completed the heart too. Luckily, my friends were really generous and gave me all the pieces I needed, so I didn't even have to spend any diamonds even though I had been saving them! It helped that it was the last day and a lot of people realized it would be difficult to finish.

    I'll have to figure out how to use the charms effectively. I feel like every time I use one that lasts for 30 minutes I only end up exploring rooms for 5 minutes before I run out of experience and it's a waste Sad

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:11 pm

    engineer wrote:I just completed the heart too. Luckily, my friends were really generous and gave me all the pieces I needed, so I didn't even have to spend any diamonds even though I had been saving them! It helped that it was the last day and a lot of people realized it would be difficult to finish.

    I'll have to figure out how to use the charms effectively. I feel like every time I use one that lasts for 30 minutes I only end up exploring rooms for 5 minutes before I run out of experience and it's a waste Sad

    I normally use all charms together that would stack. I also time them with level increases so I get the most out if then. Lastly, I save all food items for use only when I have all my charm bonuses.

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  engineer Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:31 pm

    Cool. Thanks for the suggestions. I've had the "play everyday" charm (whatever it's called...) for the past week or so, so I'll have to think about what to use now. The "stacking charm" post was helpful too!

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:15 pm

    engineer wrote:Cool. Thanks for the suggestions. I've had the "play everyday" charm (whatever it's called...) for the past week or so, so I'll have to think about what to use now. The "stacking charm" post was helpful too!

    Ah! Faithful heart. Pretty good charm - lasts a week!

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  engineer Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:35 pm

    I was on the Facebook page today and a couple of people mentioned that charging the Valentine's day collections give you the coins only now, and not the charm. Does anyone know if this is true? I charged the perfume collection yesterday and didn't see a charm pop up. I checked my inventory and didn't see the Silver Flaming Heart that I was supposed to get, but I saw a Silver Mighty Heart. Did I just get the wrong charm (not the one in the description anyway)?

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:35 pm

    engineer wrote:I was on the Facebook page today and a couple of people mentioned that charging the Valentine's day collections give you the coins only now, and not the charm. Does anyone know if this is true? I charged the perfume collection yesterday and didn't see a charm pop up. I checked my inventory and didn't see the Silver Flaming Heart that I was supposed to get, but I saw a Silver Mighty Heart. Did I just get the wrong charm (not the one in the description anyway)?

    I'm not sure, but from what I've heard, it seems like a lot of people are having problems with the Valentine's stuff now that the event is over...

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  sjwriter Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:18 am

    I experienced somewhat similar issues. After the event finished, I still got some golden hearts and banished an armored Angel (during a visit to a friend who possibly has not yet revisited the game) with them in hope of getting a chest, but only coins and experiences are found.

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  engineer Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:39 pm

    AAAHHHHHHH! I just tried to use my crystal heart, and guess what? I clicked "use", and then absolutely nothing happened, but the heart was removed from my inventory! I am sooo angry! Anybody know if the developers are actually responding these days??

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:42 pm

    It takes them about 3-4 days to respond.

    Now, I am worried that my second Crystal Heart might be useless too...

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Flamingo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:31 am

    @ Engineer - It is true that the Valentine's Collections only pay out gold and no charms.
    It is just like the Christmas collections - you don't get any turkeys and such, only money.

    There has been more than a few people who have had issues with the crystal heart.
    Sometimes it is a delayed response before it kicks in!
    Other times it does nothing!

    Take a screen shot of heart before use. Then if you have problems, you can email this evidence along with your complaint.

    I would definitely wait until the next update to charge those collections. I would think they will have a fix, after all the complaints received.

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  sjwriter Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:33 am

    I notice that right now some (perhaps new) players still have the Valentine's event running (the timer is not defective, with more than 10 days left... Just not sure if they can still get those bonus items working...

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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  Admin Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:03 pm

    sjwriter wrote:I notice that right now some (perhaps new) players still have the Valentine's event running (the timer is not defective, with more than 10 days left... Just not sure if they can still get those bonus items working...

    I am saddened that the Valentine's Day items no longer work. So many people worked hard for them, wanted to save them, only to have them be useless even before they can use them.


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    Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts Empty Re: Valentine's Day Crystal Hearts

    Post  engineer Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:39 pm

    Admin wrote:
    sjwriter wrote:I notice that right now some (perhaps new) players still have the Valentine's event running (the timer is not defective, with more than 10 days left... Just not sure if they can still get those bonus items working...

    I am saddened that the Valentine's Day items no longer work. So many people worked hard for them, wanted to save them, only to have them be useless even before they can use them.

    I just got an email from Game Insight today. They gave me a code which will give me the "effect" of the crystal heart when I enter it. It doesn't seem like it's intentional that the items don't work after the event ended. It seems to just be a bug. Maybe it will be resolved in an update.

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