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    Pieces of photo for tropical island


    Posts : 20
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    MM Name : Grace

    Pieces of photo for tropical island Empty Pieces of photo for tropical island

    Post  GraceMarie Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:42 pm

    I am sorry if this was answered already. But, can anyone please tell me where to find them. I was told to ask from friends but I don't have anywhere to send the request. All it says under it picture piece is buy. And I just can't pay 24 diamonds for each piece. Thx

    Posts : 82
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    Join date : 2012-03-04
    MM Name : shadowcat

    Pieces of photo for tropical island Empty Re: Pieces of photo for tropical island

    Post  Shadowcat Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:58 pm

    GraceMarie wrote:I am sorry if this was answered already. But, can anyone please tell me where to find them. I was told to ask from friends but I don't have anywhere to send the request. All it says under it picture piece is buy. And I just can't pay 24 diamonds for each piece. Thx

    You will get quests for each piece eventually. It will tell you which room or under what conditions you can find the pieces. You won't find the pieces until you get the quests.

    I think it is the flying saucer that you can ask friends for the pieces and you don't have to find them.

    Posts : 20
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    Join date : 2012-06-03
    Age : 52
    Location : Mississippi
    Friend Code : F4165f
    MM Name : Grace

    Pieces of photo for tropical island Empty Re: Pieces of photo for tropical island

    Post  GraceMarie Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:04 pm

    Thx hon. I will be patient. ;-)

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