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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

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    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship


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    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship Empty Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship

    Post  Sedadica Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:31 am

    Does anyone know where I can find them as I have loads of cannonballs, magic shells and gravitrons but nowhere to use it?

    I'm an Ipad player, by the way.


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    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship Empty Re: Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship

    Post  JenMomma5476 Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:45 am

    Hi Sedadica

    I think we are all iPad players here.

    You will get quests that will lead to the building/ opening of the UFO, Pirate Brig, and Island. You just need to work your way through the quests on the left side of your screen. They go in a specific order. So completing one quest will lead to another and eventually the ones to get these extra rooms.

    Hope this was helpful.
    A ipad

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    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship Empty Re: Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship

    Post  A ipad Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:38 pm

    If you have access to Facebook you can look up Mystery Manor iPad Fun Page. They have some really great information on opening the new rooms. They have all the quests and what is needed to complete each one. This way you can watch your progress and see what you need to stock up on for future quests.

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    Location : East coast
    MM Name : Charlotte

    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship Empty Re: Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship

    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:06 pm

    A ipad wrote:If you have access to Facebook you can look up Mystery Manor iPad Fun Page. They have some really great information on opening the new rooms. They have all the quests and what is needed to complete each one. This way you can watch your progress and see what you need to stock up on for future quests.

    We have Guides on this site for the quests, the rooms, etc. check out the Guide section by returning to The Home page of MMUFF and then select the Guides section. Very Happy

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    Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship Empty Re: Flying Saucers, Tropical Island and Pirate Ship

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