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12 posters

    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)


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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:24 am

    The App update page says the only change listed is " New weekly event! Visit our Facebook Community and get 50 free diamonds!"

    That is it. It doesn't say anything about new quests, etc. also, a few who have updated said they didn't get the diamonds. Could it mean GI's page?


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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  puertokelly Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:50 am

    I guess I'll update because there is not much they can take away from me now. Deep sigh. I really wish they would fix the bug where if you ask someone one day, they are still on your list, but you are unable to ask them. Also, they should coincide that list with reset. I can't even pinpoint my reset time anymore as it seems to change. I also still detest any message that says Gift Sent. Pointless and annoying.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:47 am

    puertokelly wrote:I guess I'll update because there is not much they can take away from me now. Deep sigh. I really wish they would fix the bug where if you ask someone one day, they are still on your list, but you are unable to ask them. Also, they should coincide that list with reset. I can't even pinpoint my reset time anymore as it seems to change. I also still detest any message that says Gift Sent. Pointless and annoying.

    I am on an iPad 2, when I request gifts the icon for the person I ask goes away. I haven't updated to today's update yet, either. I wonder if this has to do with iPad version or is just a glitch in some people's games. Question When I did one of this summer's updates they did stay, but the next update seemed to fix it.

    I agree about the gift sent button. It is annoying! I figure if I hit "Thank" then the gift is sent.

    My reset time for requesting gifts changes also. A few days, I've been able to ask 2x because it reset for some unknown reason.

    My reset time for gifting seems to be controlled by me, though...for the most part. I think it has only reset in the middle of my initial gifting a handful of times over the last 9 months. I try to set my timer for shortly after the girls leave for school....sending out only one gift. It has to be a charger gift though. If my first gift is a collection item, it doesn't seem to set the timer.

    Anyone have additional info about today's update? There is also a thread about it under the chit-chat section of this site.


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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  someoneXYZ Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:39 pm

    The Big ? button redirect to the FAQ as below


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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  username Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:25 pm

    Has anyone read the new FAQ?

    It says that each player's profession changes when visiting different friends. It also says that Bankers and Scientists add 10% coins and experience, while Explorers give 5% chance of finding items. Can anyone confirm this in the new update? So furious..GI jut keeps taking away!

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  puertokelly Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:33 pm

    I was so surprised to read that my profession changes with different friends. I never tip because I'm a banker. Does this mean I need to check with each friend to see how I look to them? To tip or not to tip.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  Sharbee Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:27 pm

    puertokelly wrote:I guess I'll update because there is not much they can take away from me now.

    Oh yes they can, like your profession! Oh please tell me this isn't true..they can't even keep track of gifts given/ stored, or, as I noticed over the last few days, even give xp consistently whilst banishing creatures. (Noticed roughly 1/10 banishings missed giving me 50 xp, more if done quickly). How on earth will they manage to cope with us changing professions for each friend?

    I'm pretty sure I keep lots of higher lvl friend because umm...either a) I am a truly wonderful person and/or b) because I am a handy scientist who tips a lot frequently Basketball

    Watching this thread expand with growing horror ... No

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  puertokelly Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:37 pm

    This FAQ is not new with this update. I read this about two weeks ago when it was first posted. I don't really think that our professions are randomly generated though. Everyone I've asked today has said I'm a banker.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  Chickenchick111 Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:52 pm

    Anyone notice it says we can add seeds to wish list?? How? I have NEVER seen that info

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  Shadowcat Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:09 pm

    I'm thinking that FAQmust be for the Facebook version of the game, because on their your profession can change and you can put seeds and coral on your WL.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  andreamritschard Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:24 pm

    Can't charge a collection no matter what I try. Guess I'm just about done, since I'm not buying a new iPad.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty FAQS on line

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:43 pm

    These FAQS have been there for quite awhile. The fact that they are inaccurate was one of the reasons I went looking for a site like this last April. That have been around that long (at least)!!

    Occupations--it has been determined that your occupation does not change from friend-to-friend. This was researched a while back by a group of people.

    Percentage of help a friend gives -- this is determined by what level you are. It increases by 1% as you reach certain levels until you hit 15% for bankers and scientists. Explorers max out a 10%.

    GI does not update much on their site. They may add to it, but they rarely (if ever) make updates or corrections to pre-existing information. Since last April, I have only seen additional questions/answers added, but the information I saw originally is still there. I am sure of this because I printed the "instructions" at that time and have occasionally checked back for changes.

    Stick with the info you see posted on this site, the pro-boards, and the Facebook fan page. We, the users, seem to be the best resource for guides, explanations and FAQs in general. I think all of us are better at explaining the game than GI by far! Very Happy We come together after new updates and quests and test things, question things, and provide each other feedback. We all know that GI is terrible with their feedback!

    So, here's to us!!! cheers

    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:52 pm

    andreamritschard wrote:Can't charge a collection no matter what I try. Guess I'm just about done, since I'm not buying a new iPad.

    Did you try the suggestion I left in this thread:

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty FAQS on line

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:06 pm

    These FAQS have been there for quite awhile. The fact that they are inaccurate was one of the reasons I went looking for a site like this last April. That have been around that long (at least)!!

    Occupations--it has been determined that your occupation does not change from friend-to-friend. This was researched a while back by a group of people.

    Percentage of help a friend gives -- this is determined by what level you are. It increases by 1% as you reach certain levels until you hit 15% for bankers and scientists. Explorers max out a 10%.

    Reputation level-- this is also mentioned in the FAQs, but it does not tell you that you max out with a rep level 51. Therefore you will max out daily visiting bonuses at 51 friends. (Which is still great since you can get 2,550 experience a day for free at lvl 51.) The FAQs suggest the bonuses can be for as many friends as you have.

    GI does not update much on their site. They may add to it, but they rarely (if ever) make updates or corrections to pre-existing information. Since last April, I have only seen additional questions/answers added, but the information I saw originally is still there. I am sure of this because I printed the "instructions" at that time and have occasionally checked back for changes.

    Stick with the info you see posted on this site, the pro-boards, and the Facebook fan page. We, the users, seem to be the best resource for guides, explanations and FAQs in general. I think all of us are better at explaining the game than GI by far! Very Happy We come together after new updates and quests and test things, question things, and provide each other feedback. We all know that GI is terrible with their feedback!

    So, here's to us!!! cheers


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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Holding Off

    Post  helian Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:39 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm holding off on updating because I want to make sure we can still stack artifacts. It's my only joy left in this game (aside from my glorious friends, of course) that GI has not taken away. Has anyone tried it that could let me know please? PM would be fine.

    Thanks to all you wonderful players!
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:40 pm

    helian wrote:Hi Everyone,

    I'm holding off on updating because I want to make sure we can still stack artifacts. It's my only joy left in this game (aside from my glorious friends, of course) that GI has not taken away. Has anyone tried it that could let me know please? PM would be fine.

    Thanks to all you wonderful players!

    One person has reported being able to stack charms with the new version:

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  puertokelly Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:03 pm

    You are right. If I cannot earn unlimited energy somehow, they may lose me. I like that when I have a nice chunk of time, during tv, for example, I can search the kitchen and dressing/cloak room as much as I can. Someone please report back. Smile

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  chrismmuff Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:45 pm

    If your favorite thing to do is stack a big sandwich on the weekend and explore, you will be fine.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

    Post  slycreations Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:27 am

    puertokelly wrote:You are right. If I cannot earn unlimited energy somehow, they may lose me. I like that when I have a nice chunk of time, during tv, for example, I can search the kitchen and dressing/cloak room as much as I can. Someone please report back. Smile

    After updating yesterday, I was able to stack multiple artifacts with golden charms without any problem. The copper and silver charms prevent stacking for me.

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    version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST) Empty Re: version 1.11.2 now in App store. (Sept. 6, 2012 EST)

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