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    Problem at reset


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    Problem at reset  Empty Problem at reset

    Post  puertokelly Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:15 pm

    When I left my iPad, I was all out of gifts. I was patiently awaiting reset. So, I returned, got all my thank you for playing and my 500 coins and went to take care of my wall requests. I tried to return something to a friend that I had borrowed and it said I had already gifted her. Then I checked my counter and it was at 11! Anyone else having funky issues with this?
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Problem at reset  Empty Re: Problem at reset

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:56 am

    The clock for the gift reset doesn't begin counting down until you actually send a gift. So if your gift reset is at 5pm, but you don't send a gift until 7pm, your next gift reset won't happen until 7pm the following day.

    This timer is different from the other timers in the game, such as the daily "thank you for playing" timer. The daily "thank you for playing" timer doesn't change as long as you play MM at some point each day. So if you originally began playing the game at 5pm, but didn't play one day until 7pm, that timer would still remain at 5pm.
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    Problem at reset  Empty Re: Problem at reset

    Post  mlle. scarlett Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:22 pm

    My issue is with the timer which lets you pick up experience for visiting friends. You'd think it would reset every 24 hours, or from when you make your first visit and collect points. Mine doesn't. For example, I saw that yesterday mine had reset and I got my first experience points at 3 p.m. I wrote it down just in case I was mis-remembering. I rush home today to see if it had reset at 3 p.m. and ,no. It reset closer to 5:30 p.m. I bet tomorrow I won't be able to pick up EX Points until at least 6 p.m. Crying or Very sad

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    Problem at reset  Empty Re: Problem at reset

    Post  Camille Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:40 pm

    mlle. scarlett wrote:My issue is with the timer which lets you pick up experience for visiting friends. You'd think it would reset every 24 hours, or from when you make your first visit and collect points. Mine doesn't. For example, I saw that yesterday mine had reset and I got my first experience points at 3 p.m. I wrote it down just in case I was mis-remembering. I rush home today to see if it had reset at 3 p.m. and ,no. It reset closer to 5:30 p.m. I bet tomorrow I won't be able to pick up EX Points until at least 6 p.m. Crying or Very sad
    I have the same experience. All of the reset times slowly cycle throughout a 24 hour period, including the 500 coins for visiting. At the moment I get the daily reward in the afternoon a few weeks ago it was early morning. As for the tip counter I can't even begin to guess when that resets.

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