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Rosie Hallahan
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    Selene Room Guide


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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Moon Rover

    Post  SharonB Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:24 pm

    I finally got into moon rover and find that it is a huge disappointment. The graphics and objects are indisquinishible. As far as i am concerned this adventure was a TOTAL WASTE of effort and oil cans!

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Oil can quests

    Post  EmilyK78 Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:26 pm

    Thanks for the info mike! Now I know I have to get the 300 oil cans to even get close to the UFO. I've got like 10, so it's gonna take awhile...if I even decide to do it.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Demdike Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:00 pm

    Well I got a moonrover part on the 9th!! Tv robot banishing yesterday! Still need 3 tv and 4 music ones, but not killing myself again, just doing an hour a day in the kitchen.

    (most time I've ever spent in any kitchen) lol

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Selene room keys

    Post  Bovver Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:12 am

    After seeing all the bad things people are saying about the crypt I am really glad I decided to focus on the Selene room. I spent several days with curses, dropping oil cans and had just got the last piece of the rover when the next update came and suddenly every room had oil cans!! Anyway I have continued to work through the quests until I reached the Selene room collection quests but I just can't get enough of the room keys. The only place I have found them is by banishing aliens but the drop rte is so low that I only get to search the room 4 or 5 times a day. Does anyone know how to get more keys for this room? I have banished 200 aliens today and only found 35 keys!

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  ThuyAn Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:42 am

    Bovver wrote:After seeing all the bad things people are saying about the crypt I am really glad I decided to focus on the Selene room. I spent several days with curses, dropping oil cans and had just got the last piece of the rover when the next update came and suddenly every room had oil cans!! Anyway I have continued to work through the quests until I reached the Selene room collection quests but I just can't get enough of the room keys. The only place I have found them is by banishing aliens but the drop rte is so low that I only get to search the room 4 or 5 times a day. Does anyone know how to get more keys for this room? I have banished 200 aliens today and only found 35 keys!

    Best way to earn a lot of room keys (and not spend diamonds) is to work towards the 5th award in the Achievements. Those usually have chest with either snatcher catching chest, scientist chest or detective's chest. Having up to 500 keys to most rooms ie batteries, seeds, containers, corals, and unfortunately Runestones. 

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Bovver Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:09 am

    Thanks for the response but I already hit and opened 3 detectives chests and no keys for Selene room or the crypt Sad

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Sakura Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:53 am

    Both of them are new rooms that is why the keys are not including in the detective chest. I just wonder how you guys can complete the quest for mechanical robots. I don't think I can finish it:((

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  ThuyAn Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:20 am

    Sakura wrote:Both of them are new rooms that is why the keys are not including in the detective chest. I just wonder how you guys can complete the quest for mechanical robots. I don't think I can finish it:((

    Got most of my robots from friends, bestest friends ever! Put on your WL.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Demdike Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:45 am

    Quests over 135 now need to be altered due to crypt quests being added. Delicious dinner now 140.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Sakura Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:36 am

    ThuyAn wrote:
    Sakura wrote:Both of them are new rooms that is why the keys are not including in the detective chest. I just wonder how you guys can complete the quest for mechanical robots. I don't think I can finish it:((

    Got most of my robots from friends, bestest friends ever! Put on your WL.
    Thanks for your suggestion. I just put it on my WL, maybe some of my friends will help if they have spare.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Bovver Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:33 pm

    I had over 6000 batteries when I started that quest. I had the Olympic artefact running with faithful heart and a turtle. I managed to get about 30 of the required robots. After that I searched my friends inventories and made deals for the remaining robots. Had to give away some valuable collection items but got the quest done eventually.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Katyc Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:07 pm

    If you add me Sakura, I can help you with robots Smile

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Sakura Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:52 am

    Katyc wrote:If you add me Sakura, I can help you with robots Smile
    Thanks Katy. Just added you:))

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  kittu.madan.1 Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:02 am

    Dear Admin!

    I need your expert advise in the following.

    I have this 2 quest which I am not able to full fill.

    The Quest which are running are Intergalactic Quest and soft Landing.

    For soft landing quest they want me to explore Flying Saucer and to visit Flying Saucer i need a Alien Language Decoder. When I click to Assemble the Decoder nothing happens as I recall buying all the stuff. I can see the decoder in my inventory but not able to still explore the Flying Saucer is this a error or am I missing something. Please help me .

    The other quest on my list are :
    hunting 10 Maniac, e
    then hunting 10 dark adepts and princess of Chaos
    And the other is building a Brig for which I am still trying to collect the items.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Help with moonraker

    Post  Gouofi Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:18 am

    I need help. I got the 15 snatchin and the 5 UFO's but I still don't see where 5 moonraker items drop. I only have quests for runes and swamp monsters. Any ideas? I don't want to waste diamonds.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Moonrover items drop rate

    Post  Robster50 Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:02 am

    I have to say the Details of Moonrover is just brutal. It started well and things were dropping well. Xenophage has a high hit rate, vacuum and UFO were pretty good and the others less but moving. Then I hit a wall after I completed the Xenophage ones and even Vacuum hardly dropped. I would say I have gone through 400 oil cans and I still have 6 TV and Musical. They rarely drop the items. So my question is what is the best combination to drop, I have used in the past Cornucopia and Turtle but the hit rate seems about the same as using Turtle of Luck and Turtle of Wisdon. There has to be a better way or this part will kill my enthusiam for the game.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  babenghiem Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:38 am

    Robster50 wrote:I have to say the Details of Moonrover is just brutal. It started well and things were dropping well. Xenophage has a high hit rate, vacuum and UFO were pretty good and the others less but moving. Then I hit a wall after I completed the Xenophage ones and even Vacuum hardly dropped. I would say I have gone through 400 oil cans and I still have 6 TV and Musical. They rarely drop the items. So my question is what is the best combination to drop, I have used in the past Cornucopia and Turtle but the hit rate seems about the same as using Turtle of Luck and Turtle of Wisdon. There has to be a better way or this part will kill my enthusiam for the game.

    You can stack artifact and certain charms to increase your drop rate. So if you can do the following...

    Charge cornupia, golden calla, Olympic artifact, golden turtle, and declaration (if you still have one). The drop rate to all these item will drop thus you are guaranteed 1-2 drop per banish.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  slycreations Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:20 pm

    I'm on the "urgent replacement needed" quest, which is for collection 147 (xenoplumbing).

    Where does this fall in the line up of Selene quests? I've run out of selenoids, and it's going to take a long time to kill enough little green men to get more. Wondering how much I still have to go.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  Martino Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:41 am

    slycreations wrote:I'm on the "urgent replacement needed" quest, which is for collection 147 (xenoplumbing).

    Where does this fall in the line up of Selene quests? I've run out of selenoids, and it's going to take a long time to kill enough little green men to get more. Wondering how much I still have to go.

    Is that the collection with WC and Bidet? After the moment i got the last from my friends, my quests were dried up again...

    Last edited by Martino on Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  slycreations Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:25 am

    Yes. I've gotten all items but the hand shower. It's been on my WL for a while. Completing that collection is the only quest I have.

    I wonder why they created a "1000 quest" achievement when there aren't nearly that number of quests. I still need over 400 more quests to reach that achievement, but it sounds like there aren't that many left. Guess I get to sit around waiting on the next holiday and hope that it provides a few more quests.

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  someoneXYZ Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:18 pm

    iPad version is transfer part from FB version.
    FB MM now up to 43 rooms but iPad MM only 20 rooms.
    FB MM is develpo on Flash but iOS not support Flash.
    So iPad MM need to be rebuild (but don't known why not fully transfer FB MM to iPad MM =.=??).

    Hope the ninja (and events) come back on the coming updates =.=

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Reboot option

    Post  MMizzy Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:27 am

    Skyler wrote:

    "Details of Moonrover" here is the list.

    Gravitational Tire- from Searching room with UFO Phenom - Use reboot option to keep UFO in room after each search
    High Frequency Transmitter - Banishing Xeno's
    Adaptive Analyzer- from banishing Vacuum Robots
    Seismic Sensor - from banishing TV Robots
    Automated Repair Kit- From banishing Musical Robots

    Updated 10/16/2012

    Sorry im new to this.. What is a reboot option? Rolling Eyes

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  someoneXYZ Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:23 am

    MMizzy wrote:
    Skyler wrote:

    "Details of Moonrover" here is the list.

    Gravitational Tire- from Searching room with UFO Phenom - Use reboot option to keep UFO in room after each search
    High Frequency Transmitter - Banishing Xeno's
    Adaptive Analyzer- from banishing Vacuum Robots
    Seismic Sensor - from banishing TV Robots
    Automated Repair Kit- From banishing Musical Robots

    Updated 10/16/2012

    Sorry im new to this.. What is a reboot option? Rolling Eyes

    Don't leave the explored room but close MM then double click home button, click on MM still the (-) appear then click on the (-) to shut down MM. Open MM again the Phenom still in the room. BUT this was fixed by G! and the Phenom can't keep in room by reboot option now. =.=

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty Re: Selene Room Guide

    Post  MMizzy Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:38 am

    someoneXYZ wrote:
    MMizzy wrote:
    Skyler wrote:

    "Details of Moonrover" here is the list.

    Gravitational Tire- from Searching room with UFO Phenom - Use reboot option to keep UFO in room after each search
    High Frequency Transmitter - Banishing Xeno's
    Adaptive Analyzer- from banishing Vacuum Robots
    Seismic Sensor - from banishing TV Robots
    Automated Repair Kit- From banishing Musical Robots

    Updated 10/16/2012

    Sorry im new to this.. What is a reboot option? Rolling Eyes

    Don't leave the explored room but close MM then double click home button, click on MM still the (-) appear then click on the (-) to shut down MM. Open MM again the Phenom still in the room. BUT this was fixed by G! and the Phenom can't keep in room by reboot option now. =.=

    Ow that one.. I dont know the term Razz Ive done it before lol!

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    Selene Room Guide - Page 2 Empty FYI on fragments of selenoid! Must READ!!

    Post  trent.roman Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:06 pm

    Once your in moonrover, make sure and banish all the bots using guns etc before you complete the collection quests because the bots stop dropping selenoid that are needed to explore the room!! They were dropping every other banishment but now don't at all. So stock up before u complete the quest for the first charging of a moonrover collection...I think its the one collection with the tools. If u don't they stop dropping and you are screwed like me...think it's another way for MM to get your $$$$$$$$. Argggh

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