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    Guide: Island Quests


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:02 pm

    Below is a wonderful guide written by Queen Victoria. It is very helpful. It is copied here with her permission. Updates will be copied here as she updates in her thread. She requests that it remain within MMUFF. For any quotes outside of MMUFF, must give reference to this site.

    If you have updates to the quests, please post below. If you have questions about where to find things, Please post your questions in the "Where do I find?....." sectionr]

    QueenVictoria wrote:ISLAND PHOTO QUESTS

    Now my mistake is I didn't think to write this down so this is from sheer memory. If I miss something, it might be too easy to clear to even remember. So these are only the quests that bring some sort of pain! Smile

    1. Pot of Gold 
    - will drop right away coz this is a money making pot for GI so, of course, no grief for this.

    2. 150 runestones 
    - best to banish Old Gypsy Woman or Baron rather than regular gypsies. Takes only 3 tries with a turtle running (well not running but...)

    3. 5 Magic Books 
    - will drop out of fortune telling room & library; 
    - or swapping the same item with a friend works faster if both of you are on the same quests. If not, the person not yet at this stage may take an IOU or continue with the trade but should keep the item in their gift box until he or she gets to this quest.

    3. Brig sets 
    - charge each set once. Trade for the items or explore Brig.  
    - each item drops by level. Meaning, 1st item of each set will be spewed at Novice level & 5th item of the set, at Expert level.  Therefore, if you're only at Novice, don't expect to finish these quests quickly by exploring. Either trade for them, or pray for patience.
    - what's a fair trade offer for these? I would say, the Festive Masquerade items because they can no longer be acquired by high-level players & low-level players had an equal chance to have an abundance during the Independence Day event.
    NOTE: by this time the pieces of the island photo will appear but the quest on how to find them won't. You may ignore unless you get overly excited & plan to simply buy the pieces with diamonds.

    4. Island Photo pieces
    - much like building the UFO & Brig.  Request for assembly items to piece the photo together from all your friends.  
    - please note of the level requirement for the items which is shown at the top of the pop-up box when you 'Ask a Friend'.

    5. Banish Snatchin Seafarer
    - meet the twin of Mr. Blackbeard.  Evidence#1 that GI ran out of ideas, or had to hurry up releasing this update from all our whining on FB that we had no quests. LOL! 
    - as mentioned in an earlier post which I hope you heeded, you should have saved your maps for trading with the Seafarer.  Anything you found earlier will not be counted to the 5 sets required to clear this quest.  But will still count to the 9 required to complete the News announcement found on the right side.
    - soon as you clear this quest, Seafarer will leave your manor.  If you still need him, you have to find a friend that has him as a roamer.
    - items easily drop like pirates, if you're using a turtle.

    6. Explore Island
    - since you have been banishing the Seafarer earlier, you will have enough keys to explore.
    - no requirement to find anything.

    7.a. Adventures of a Castaway & Secretive Island sets
    - one by one, each item will be required by exploring rooms which most of the time requires a phenomenon.
    - so you don't have to keep setting your manor up again & again for a phenomenon, don't clear rooms with phenomena if the quest does not call for that room to be explored. This way, you're always set up for any quest requiring a phenomenon.
    - when I say 'set-up for a phenomenon' please refer to an earlier post on 'Finding the Corset, Neptune & Emerald'.  Assuming you don't want to spend diamonds for any summons.
    - good thing though is, soon as you have the right phenomenon in the right room, the item surely drops, so no need to close MM app to retain phenomenon.  Please know that I use a turtle 100% of the time so this is the only point of view I know.

    7.b. Punishment Quests
    - simultaneous with finding the new collection items, are quests which I honestly, truly & without a doubt believe GI put in as disciplinary action for all our 'crimes'! Smile
    - CJ asked earlier if the unupdated ones might be demoted to level 50. I think your rumor was skewed. The updated ones are feeling like level 50s with these. Evidence#2 that GI ran out of ideas.
    - I haven't cleared a lot but so far I have had:
         i  ) 25 tyrannosaurus fillets, 25 tiramisus & 25 miso soups
         ii ) 25 drunken joe whiskeys
         iii) 25 dauphin cognacs 
         iv) 25 mermaid vodka
    v) 25 sea breeze port wine
    vi) 25 Benedict's Tear Cocktail - charge Drinks of the World 25 times (UPDATE i guess it was NOT safe to assume! LOL!)
    - all items in your current inventory won't count.
    - most people have these so everybody can swap items if you are on different quests.  I sought help from friends who have not crossed over for the first one because I thought the 75 items were overwhelming. My EQ failed me. It's not so hard after all.
    - assuming 2 players are on any of these quests, they can trade.  2 traders on the same quests cannot swap because it will get deducted from the 25 that they are currently putting together even if they have extra in their inventory.
    - if 1 player is working on this & the other is still on another quest, I suggest you just borrow the item.  If some of you remember the Ikebana quest, it works like that.  None will be taken from inventory upon completion so you can just return them after.
    - for those of you who were not hugged enough as a child will probably go, it's gonna take me 100 years to send it all back with the 10-gift limit! Calm yourself down, take a deep breath and do the math.  Not everybody will reach the quests at the same time.  Plus, there is always a natural attrition of players so if you're lucky, you don't send anything back. And if you've invested enough to become an MMBFF to someone, most don't need it back.
    - for those who truly enjoy exploring, you may find the items from the rooms specified but it doesn't drop 100% of the time even if the room is already set up correctly so you may have to close MM app, as also discussed in the 'Finding the Corset, Neptune & Emerald' post.

    Relevant to those who haven't updated, you can stock up on everything except the Punishment Quests. They're too easy to acquire & more importantly, you need space to receive the assembly items for the Island Photo. 

    Following are the subsequent quests continued from my earlier post on Room 18 quests.  Instructions stand that previously collected items still won't count.  Most quests require a phenomenon so keep retaining any phenomena or your manor should maintain its set-up, as required, to attract one.

    Save for Mercury, all quests can be found by exploring once up to a maximum of 5 times using a turtle.  For applicable items, you may explore or trade. Smile

    1. Clipper - mist in any room; I suggest you don't clear this quest first. Clear the Ferry first.
    2. Ferry - native idol in any room
    3. Clipper - mist in any room; one Clipper clears both quests #1 & 3.
    4. Caravel - sorry I missed the phenomenon because I cleared this accidentally when I got both the 3rd Clipper & Caravel at the same time.
    5. Clipper - silhouette in any room
    6. Polar Bear - trade with a gypsy; took 1 trade with regular gypsy guy.
    7. Paddle Boat - laboratory in night mode
    8. Hatch - explore UFO
    9. Screen - laboratory in silhouette mode
    10. Ocean Liner  - explore Oceanic
    11. Arctic Icebreaker - charge once
    12. Explore Lost Island, Oceanic & Brig 3 times - after the first, previous explorations count. So it's basically explore once.
    13. Neptune - yes, you read right! NEPTUNE! Evil laugh - thunder & lightning - it's your old nemesis! You meet again! Explore Fortune Telling room at night.  Have no fear, I think he's old & weak now, dropped real fast! 
    14. Mist - explore room 51 in night mode.
    15. Bits of the Plane - explore Oceanic in night mode.
    16.  Secretive Island - charge once
    17. Pearls - explore African room or dressing room at night. Do African room.
    18. Mercury - Explore Hunting room or Hallway with Native Idol Phenomenon. I haven't cleared this quest, birthday celebration got in the way! 

    NOTE: I suggest for quests 1-6,7 & 10 to instead explore the Oceanic if you have room keys because boats sometimes drop 2 at a time; or trade with a friend.  More importantly, it saves the phenomena you have already set up for the next quests, unless you already have native idol in Hallway and Hunting rooms.  But then again, I don't know what the next quests shall be yet unless someone else knows.

    UPDATED: To correct assumption on 6th Punishment Quest

    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:59 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added usage statement)

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Additional information from Queen Victoria on Island Quest series

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:01 am

    Thank QV for posting these additional helpful hints. Remember that QV has requested that we not share/post this information beyond the MMUFF community.

    QueenVictoria wrote:ROOM 18 - ISLAND PHOTO QUESTS - final part

    I should have just continued last time, I didn't realize the last few were too easy! Sorry for the delay guys! Here are the final quests, will only take less than 5 explorations each with a turtle, no other artifacts.

    1. Mercury - native idol in hunting room or hallway. Explored 5 times, didn't find Mercury and I noticed too that it was not resetting coz even if someone new tipped me, the room retained it's old tips. So I explored it and let the idol go so it refreshes. Got the Mercury in the hunting room on the 2nd try after letting the first native idol go. So don't retain the idol and not to worry coz it only takes 2 tries, as does the rest of the subsequent quests.

    2. Golden Fleece - explore African room or Library at night. Found the fleece in the African room on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    3. Unicorn - explore Fortune Telling or Hunting room at night. Found in Fortune Telling room on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    4. Lily of the Valley - explore any room at night. Found in Fortune Telling room also on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    5. Explore Island 3 times - previous explorations seem to count. I only needed to explore the room once and the quest was done.

    So that's it for these sets of quests! Enjoy everyone, and happy hunting! :)

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:47 am


    I have just started this Mission and this guide is the business! Thank you both Smile As I checked with you first and it's ok to add info, here's a few bits of extra info which may be useful: This is after update 1.11.2.

    I refer to your numbering system:

    2.To keep those hard-earned golden saddles/broomsticks, it's much faster just to charge gypsy collections #20 and #23 once each (harness & beauty). Most of us have banished many lesser gypsies & have these items/ chargers in abundance.

    3. Magic books: Collection #31. quest order: white, necromancy, black, monsters, eastern magic.

    3.(b) Brig sets: Charge collections # 76-80 For those who may want a note of the quests, as follows:

    Q. Silence of the ghost: charge #76 for Golden Globe
    Q. Men's weapon: charge #77 for Pirate Cannon
    Q. Vivifying fear: charge #78 for Kraken
    Q. Familiar environment: charge #79 for Pirate Ship
    Q. An old friend: Charge collection #80 for Blackbeard*

    Good news is, it doesn't matter if you have these items already *easiest one as you get these trading golden doubloons with the Blackbeard roamer for cannonballs trying to get the other items. Once you have charged Blackbeard, the island map quests pop up.

    4. Island Photo pieces.
    Q. Pieces of Memory: 8 pieces costing 25 diamonds each. Requires searching specific rooms in a specific mode. Only phenomena needed was Native Idol in Hunting room. However, one piece is only found searching the UFO 'plate' (GI's bad translation of Flying Saucer, I presume, lol). I cheated and bought mine, see Note.

    Note: I hadn't completed the UFO and bought the last map piece. Regretting my over-eagerness, I have been repeatedly exploring for oilcans Now you have these quests, marine maps now show as available in every room, regardless of room status. They were rare before

    Q. Photographic Memory: Once you have all 8, you find you have to glue them together. This is where the 'ask a friend' bit kicks in. Not as hard as the Brig as the highest friend level item is only 60. When you have all the items (glue, brushes etc.) upgrade the map to complete 'The Test of Real Friends'.

    5. Say hello to a load more quests and a roaming Snatchin' Seafarer.
    Main Quest. Collect each item from collection # 83 Legacy of Atlanteans. Previous items do not count here. Trade marine maps with the Snatchin' Seafarer for them and shells, required for later Island access. Can buy each item for 16 diamonds. Sub-quests;
    Look of Gorgon - find head of Gorgon
    Secure Support - find Column
    Vessel from Seabed - find Amphora of Atlanteans
    Fragment of Beauty - find Piece of Statue
    Helm from Atlantis - find Atlantean Helmet

    Once done, charge Collectin #83 for the Snatchin' Atlas. WARNING! Once you do so, marine maps disappear from rooms as droppable items and become stupidly rare to find! See here :

    Of course, as soon as you do so, you get Q. Meeting with the Hermit, where you need x5 of every # 83 collection piece! (previous found ones do count and you keep them in your inventory once achieved). Once achieved, quest is named Routing.

    Congratulations: You can now explore the Island.

    Now you get get the following quests:

    7.a. Main Quest: Adventures of a castaway. Assemble & charge items from collection #82:
    Q. Protection from the scorching rays: Explore Hunting Room for Robinsons Umbrella (with Native Idol in the room).
    Q. Hat of Islander: Explore Cloakroom (dressing room) with Will O Wisp to find Hat.
    Q. Taciturn Parrot: Explore Hunting Room in Silhouettes to find Parrot.
    Q. Secure Raft: Explore Oceanic room to find raft.
    Q. Shelter maker: Explore African room at night to find Hut.
    Q. Little Friday: Charge Collection 82 'Adventures of a Castaway' to complete this Quest block.

    Another block of Quests, which basically means collecting items for Collection 80 'Secretive Island'. These come in order now.

    Q. Clipper in a fog: Explore any room with Mist to find Clipper (any you already have don't count again, but can explore Oceanic as an alternative). yes, this is Collection 72 and seems to be a Red Herring in the MM!
    Q. Did not believe his eyes: Banish gypsies to find Picture of Polar Bear.
    Q. Locked Hatch: Explore UFO to find Hatch.
    Q. Blown up Bunker: Explore Laboratory in Silhouttes to find Screen.
    Q. Thick Shroud: Explore Room 51 at night to find Island Fog image.
    Q. Abnormal accident: Explore Oceanic room at night to find Bits of Plane.
    Q. The Most Important Evidence: Charge Collection 80 to end this whole series of quests!

    7.b. Punishment quests: See Bovvers tip (6 messages down here for a heads up approach, works for booze too; most people will get what you are doing here):

    Q. Hearty meal: x 25 fillets ( #3) miso soups (#62) tiramisu (banish snatchin's for the tiramisu)
    Q. To wet a whistle: x25 Drunken Joe Whiskeys (hunting room)
    Q. Adele suggests Cognac: x25 Dauphin Cognacs ( Hall, silhouette mode)
    Q. Benedict is faithful to mermaid: x25 Mermaid Vodkas ( Bathroom at night)
    Q. The aroma of sea breeze: x25 Sea Breeze Port Wines (cloakroom/dressing room)
    Q. Benedict does not mind: charge Collection # 5 x25 times (this also needs 25 Temptation wines, but what you have in your inventory counts, you do not have to find another 25).

    Then you move onto a different set of Quests: finding and charging # 73 Fair Seas & Following Winds.
    Probably due to an update, these now come in a set order, which you do one by one (and no, sadly, items previously found do not count):

    Q. Washtub of Idolators: Find Ferry ( any room with Native Idol)
    Q. Unruly Caravel: Find Caravel (Explore African room)
    Q. High Speed Clipper: Find Clipper (Pirate Brig, Silhouette mode)
    Q. Something better than sailing vessel: Find Paddleboat (Lab at night)
    Q. Dead Ahead: Find Ocean Liner (Oceanic room)
    Q. The Ice has Broken: Charge # 73 to get the IceBreaker and complete.

    The final set of Quests.
    Q. Beginning of the Enchanted Path: Explore Oceanic, Brig, Island x 3 each.
    You get a reward here - the Enchanted Charm Artifact.

    Q. Open the Salty Embrace: Explore Fortune Telling room at night to find Neptune.
    Q. Daughter leaves by Pearl Path: Explore African room and/or Dressing room at night to find Pearls. African room is quicker.
    Q. Swift Wanderer went down: Explore Hunting room or Hall (both with Native Idol) to call Mercury.
    Q. Golden gifts to Mercury: Explore Africsn or Library at night to find Golden Fleece.
    Q. The Caller of Hope: Explore Fortune Telling room or Hunting room at night to find Unicorn (previous do not count).
    Q. Cleanness & Miraclenof Lily of Valley: Any room at night for the Lily.
    Q. Happy End: Explore Island x

    Well, you now have to complete 3 collections x 9 for the Island Chest for total completion. By now, you know what they are! GL.

    Last edited by Sharbee on Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:26 pm; edited 17 times in total (Reason for editing : Added info - completed.)
    Coffee revel

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Small update

    Post  Coffee revel Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:26 am

    Thanks for the info, this guide is great.
    One thing I would say is that for the quest to explore Oceanic, the brig and the island 3 times, previous explorations didn't count for me after the first, I am having to explore the full three times each - a real pain as I've run out of shells!

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  rab Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:37 am

    Same for me. Perhaps this was changed in one of the recent updates.

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  rab Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:57 pm

    Also, It took me four idols to find Mercury so be prepared for several tries. Also, previous island explorations no longer count for island x3 quest.

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  croman419 Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:14 pm

    Examine the plate. Does that mean I need to explore the UFO in order to find that map piece? That is the only thing i am Confused about.

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:35 pm

    croman419 wrote:Examine the plate. Does that mean I need to explore the UFO in order to find that map piece? That is the only thing i am Confused about.

    Yes, it is the UFO Very Happy

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Bovver Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:42 pm

    The need to search the plate held me up for a few days but I managed to open the UFO - check my tip in the 300 oil can discussion on how to get the cans dropping 30 or 40 per day. As far as the punishment quests are concerned I completed the steak/soup/tiramisu quest in 2 days. I started by sending 10 steaks to friends and asked them to return and then searched rooms for the rest - next day I did the same for soups. In theory if u have enough soups/steaks then u can send all 25 provided u don't accept any until u have sent all 25 out first - this would take 3 days for each item type. I found that by sending 10 of each I had such a head start that the quest was quite easy.


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Krkkrk Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:24 pm

    I am so stuck on the mercury. I have been trying the hall with idol a million times - however having read the above I have let it go. But now I can't remember how to get the idol in a specific (hunting) room. I know this has been covered. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Big thanks.

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:40 pm

    Krk, it's random calling them, I think we have all agreed on that. Your best bet is to fill all your rooms with curses and phenomena and then pay to summon the right one into your Hunting room. Rooms you need to fill are. Library, African, bathroom, kitchen, living, dressing, bedroom, hallway and Japenese garden. The rest don't get phenomena. (hope I haven't missed one out).

    Once it's there, don't accept your findings after exploring, just exit the app completely ( double click on IPad square, then hold down on MM app at the bottom of the screen until you see the red minus sign, then close it) to keep the phenomena in that room. Start up MM again. The phenomena will still be there. Don't worry, any items you earned from the previous exploration will be added to your inventory.

    However, my additions are after the last update. Check what the quest says, get the phenomena in the right room and check you can see it as an available item beforehand! Things may have changed and I have not reached stage yet!

    Good luck!

    Last edited by Sharbee on Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Krkkrk Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:47 pm

    Sharbee wrote:Krk, it's random calling them, I think we have all agreed on that. Your best bet is to fill all your rooms with curses and phenomena and then pay to summon the right one into your Hunting room. Rooms you need to fill are. Library, African, bathroom, kitchen, living, dressing, bedroom, hallway and Japenese garden. The rest don't get phenomena. (hope I haven't missed one out).

    Once it's there, don't accept your findings after exploring, just exit the app completely ( double click on IPad square, then hold down on MM app at the bottom of the screen until you see the red minus sign, then close it) to keep the phenomena in that room. Start up MM again. The phenomena will still be there. Don't worry, any items you earned from the previous exploration will be added to your inventory anyway.

    Good luck!
    Thanks - much appreciated. Now - anyway to get more diamonds Wink
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:17 pm

    Krkkrk wrote:I am so stuck on the mercury. I have been trying the hall with idol a million times - however having read the above I have let it go. But now I can't remember how to get the idol in a specific (hunting) room. I know this has been covered. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Big thanks.
    I have some I can share. Friend me, and I'll be happy to help you out. Very Happy

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:23 pm

    Updated my contribution, taking into account the last GI update. As they changed buying phenomena- calling books from single use to books of 10, and so now costing over 100 diamonds each, I am currently stuck on Mercury as I never get the right phenomena in the right room, but I persevere.

    However, it's more or less complete now.


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:10 pm

    Sharbee wrote:Updated my contribution, taking into account the last GI update. As they changed buying phenomena- calling books from single use to books of 10, and so now costing over 100 diamonds each, I am currently stuck on Mercury as I never get the right phenomena in the right room, but I persevere.

    However, it's more or less complete now.

    You can still buy the phenoms books one at a time. Go to your shop button and then the tab with the misc. bag icon. You can get them there one at a time or in packs of 10. Very Happy

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:26 pm

    Ok, I stand corrected. In the shop, perhaps I was just looking at the Exclaimation Mark items, but I could have sworn I looked at everything in turn and that option wasnt there a few days ago. But you are correct, they can be bought as single items. I see them now... Wink confused Wink


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  someoneXYZ Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:58 am

    Sharbee wrote:

    7.b. Punishment quests: See Bovvers tip (6 messages down here for a heads up approach, works for booze too; most people will get what you are doing here):

    Q. Hearty meal: x 25 fillets ( #3) miso soups (#62) tiramisu ( banish snatchin for these)
    Q. To wet a whistle: x25 Drunken Joe Whiskeys (hunting room)
    Q. Adele suggests Cognac: x25 Dauphin Cognacs ( Hall, silhouette mode)
    Q. Benedict is faithful to mermaid: x25 Mermaid Vodkas ( Bathroom at night)
    Q. The aroma of sea breeze: x25 Sea Breeze Port Wines (cloakroom/dressing room)
    Q. Benedict does not mind: charge Collection # 5 x25 times (this also needs 25 Temptation wines, but what you have in your inventory counts, you do not have to find another 25).

    Strongly recommend
    Find with oil cans in hunting room:
    Q. Hearty meal: x 25 fillets (Oceanic room)
    Q. To wet a whistle: x25 Drunken Joe Whiskeys (hunting room)
    Q. Adele suggests Cognac: x25 Dauphin Cognacs ( Hall, silhouette mode)

    Find with oil cans in bath room:
    Q. Benedict is faithful to mermaid: x25 Mermaid Vodkas ( Bathroom at night)
    Q. The aroma of sea breeze: x25 Sea Breeze Port Wines (cloakroom/dressing room)

    Because oil cans is a Huge Demand for some quests.
    At last found the Moonrover blueprint/sketches and achieved 800 evil eye Achievement affraid and many wine lol!

    How to get oil cans please reference:

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:41 pm

    XYZ, your post here confuses me a little. it is more or less a direct copy of my post, apart from the Oilcan reference, which I gave Bovver credit for. I did mention early on to try and combine the two main quests.

    BUT, I would not recommend anyone search the Oceanic for oilcans, or for fillet steaks. Reason for this being, that unless you have Corals coming out your ears (hair, last time I checked), you will rapidly run out of Corals, which will stuff you right up later on in the quests. Likewise, Cannonballs need to be preserved too.

    TRex fillet steaks are available in the Hunting room for free and oilcans in most inner rooms (until update, was with curses).

    However, since today's update, people are reporting oilcans drop in every room regardless. Hurray for small mercies!

    Anyway, I have completed it now. There may be some some small discrepancies which I would be happy to correct, but in truth, I would prefer it if my contribution was added to QV's for an All Encompassing Island Guide. Wink


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  someoneXYZ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:49 pm

    Sharbee wrote:XYZ, your post here confuses me a little. it is more or less a direct copy of my post, apart from the Oilcan reference, which I gave Bovver credit for. I did mention early on to try and combine the two main quests.

    BUT, I would not recommend anyone search the Oceanic for oilcans, or for fillet steaks. Reason for this being, that unless you have Corals coming out your ears (hair, last time I checked), you will rapidly run out of Corals, which will stuff you right up later on in the quests. Likewise, Cannonballs need to be preserved too.

    TRex fillet steaks are available in the Hunting room for free and oilcans in most inner rooms (until update, was with curses).

    However, since today's update, people are reporting oilcans drop in every room regardless. Hurray for small mercies!

    Anyway, I have completed it now. There may be some some small discrepancies which I would be happy to correct, but in truth, I would prefer it if my contribution was added to QV's for an All Encompassing Island Guide. Wink

    I recommended focus in hunting room & bath room with curses, no need to follow the quest requirement. Very Happy
    Sorry for made you confused. Shocked

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Aparna1082 Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:02 pm

    Hey guys,

    I am at level 100 and just got the quest for exploring the island (called Meeting the Hermit) but for some reason I am unable to explore the island. It's says "you dont have" above a blank picture where usually the respective room keys are shown. And i do have lots of shells plus thre is a lock on the left hand side. I got this quest after I collected the legacy collection 5x and i had bunch of other quests together "Adventures of a Castaway & Secretive Island sets" which I completed but I still cant explore the island and the "punishments quests" are not showing up.. i have a feeling that maybe i am not at the right level for opening the island ..Any thoughts ??...Thanks in advance.... Question

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Sharbee Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:58 pm

    Aparna, you are definitely a high enough level, I think I was 88 when I started adding to this guide, I hit 99 today so level isn't an issue. The Punishment quests don't actually begin until you start exploring the Island, so don't worry there, they will pop up soon enough.

    Looking back at my notes, I had the Q. Guide: charge Snatchin' Atlas, which led to Q. Meeting with the Hermit. In order to do this, I had to explore the Island once. Which then led to me having to charge collection #83 five times, which you have said you did. Once you do that, the quest name changes to 'Routing'. Then, you explore Island again x 1 and the Punishments kick in.

    Tbh, it's hard to advise you retrospectively.. But I can assure you, it isn't your level. Sorry I can't help more, I can't see your gameplay. But I wrote my additions exactly as the quests appeared. If you've done all that, perhaps write a ticket to GI. I really can't see any reason why your quests shouldn't be progressing, as you should have been on the Island once already to meet the Hermit!


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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Aparna1082 Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:14 pm

    Thanks Sharbee! I had the Q charging snathcing and then a Q to explore the island at which i'm stuck .. I didnt charge coll 83 because i merely got a Q asking to collect those items 5X , i guess u're asked to charge once you explore the island once (which is where i'm stuck)...i guess a ticket to GI is in order because frankly i'm at my wits end trying to figure this out confused Crying or Very sad you think i should charge coll 83 5x or wait 4 the quest?

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    Guide: Island Quests Empty Re: Guide: Island Quests

    Post  Coburnliz Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:59 am


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