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    Can't Enter UFO!


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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:48 pm

    I updated MM today...1st big mistake! Evil or Very Mad

    I finished assembling the pieces & hit "Upgrade" to get the Alien Voice Recorder. When I went to go "Assemble" it by hitting the button in the UFO, it made the "charging a collection" sound. But when I went back to the UFO, the "Assemble" button is still there! And when I hit it, nothing happens!! Crying or Very sad

    I've turned off my ipad several times, but it doesn't fix the problem.

    So now i cannot explore UFO room at all & proceed with the quests. Mad

    Anybody else having issues after the update? This is the first time I've encountered any kind of problem with the game besides the standard "No Server Response" * "Internet Connection Issue."

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty I have this bug too.

    Post  LadyLawyer Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:24 pm

    Glad to see I am not alone in this. I have sent two messages to GI support regarding this problem. I will post their response here if I ever hear back from them.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Torynn Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:27 am

    Yup, happening to me as well. I built the beacon and decoder, and now have the quest "soft landing", where I must visit the UFO. When I click on my UFO it tells me I need to assemble something else but when I click on assemble! Nothing happens Sad

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Same here

    Post  Computeroutpost Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:19 am

    My problem too, wants me to combine n when I hit combine the window just vanishes, I've worked hard to get to here hoping they patch it soon.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Can't enter rooms

    Post  robievt Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:28 pm

    After a lot of time and effort assembling and preparing, I cannot enter the UFO or the Pirate Brig. Anyone have any advice? Emailing GI is futile. Thanks in advance.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:17 pm

    I feel comforted that it's not just me having this issue, though I think GI should patch up this bug quickly since we can't explore one of the most important rooms in the game! Evil or Very Mad

    This is the nonsensical response I got from support, to which I replied to tell them that I COULD NOT EXPLORE THE ROOM TO PROCEED WITH ANY QUESTS!:

    We are going to go ahead and mark your request as solved. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reply to this email and we will gladly further assist you.

    You don't receive any response from our team? Check your Spam folder! Due to spam settings set some of our e-mails may get suspended leading to accidental miscommunication.

    Here is a reminder of what your ticket was about:

    Michael Pastorius, Oct 31 18:58 (MSK):
    Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!

    My name is Michael and I am glad to assist you today.

    Please, fulfill those quests you can finish right now and you will have the opportunity to get the quests in question pretty soon.

    This is the game feature that quests appear in a certain order and tasks become more complicated in the course of the game while you move forward and advance further in the storyline. Thus, to get new quests you should first complete the ones you have at the moment. This will be a step to the goal you recognize though lack skills to reach yet. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I wish you good luck and hope you will keep me in the know of your success!

    Thank you for being our player!


    Michael Pastorius
    Your Game Insight Support Team


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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Torynn Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:30 pm

    It might be a hard bug to fix if GI can't actually read the submitted support ticket to undersand what the issue is.

    I have built the ufo, and the alien language decoder is assembled and in my inventory.
    I have the quest "soft landing" which tasks me with visiting my completed ufo.
    When i click on the ufo it shows me the room to visit, but that i still need to assemble the alien language decoder. When i click "Assemble!" it closes the window and returns me to my manor.

    We have the right quest, we have the correct items, we have..........A BUG


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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:23 pm

    Yup, I know what you're saying. Perhaps we need to use our Alien Decoder on GI?? Rolling Eyes

    I cannot even proceed with the Island room because 1 of the quests asks to find the photograph piece by exploring the UFO.

    And once Full Moon is gone, I won't have any quests to work on because they all require searching the UFO! Crying or Very sad

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:38 am

    I got another reply from GI who asked for screenshots of my issue so they can look into it. I recorded a short video also & let them know that it was many other players who were experiencing the UFO shut-out. Fingers crossed the bug gets resolved! bounce

    GI's Reply:
    To take a deeper look into your matter I would like you to provide me with a screenshot illustrating the issue.

    To take a screenshot using your iPad, iPhone or iPod please press the Home button and the Power button simultaneously. You will see the screen ‘flash’ white and hear a camera ‘clicking’ sound. Then you can find the taken screenshots in the Photo folder → Camera Roll/ Saved Photos and send screenshots to me (

    It will give me more information about the issue you experience and I will get to the bottom of what has happened. Looking forward to your reply!

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Torynn Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:59 pm

    Ty for doing that. I hope they don't ask me for a screen shot, my power button stopped working months ago!

    Edit: response I got from GI
    Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested!

    Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
    As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.

    Thank you for choosing our application!

    Your Game Insight Support Team

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:47 am

    Thanks! Hadn't gotten that reply yet. I almost had hope that it was going to get fixed, then I read the part about them "testing" it. I wonder what else they are going to break in the process of them patching this? Suspect

    This is the one time where I'm actually looking forward to an MM update! Rolling Eyes

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:00 am

    I didn't get as definitive an answer as Torynn, but this is the latest from GI to me:

    Thank you for your information and support provided!

    I have transferred your details for a careful investigation in order to help you as soon as we can and to provide you with the best support you deserve. Please, note that your request processing may take up some time, so our specialists shall get back to you with the solution in the shortest time possible.

    In the meantime should you have any other questions, please, let me know. I am always there to assist you!

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Kazk Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:49 pm

    This problem still exists. I have just sent off a ticket today. Same thing happening. Hope it's fixed soon. I'd like to finish the quests.

    The no Internet response etc has been a real problem today and thought it might have been that but it's obviously been going on much longer.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Rumorkid Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:24 am

    I can finally relate to someone! Was looking for a topic like this! I had this problem recently when i opened the pirate brig. When i click on assemble it leads me to my manor, but i do remember the first time, i think it asked me to charge the pirate collection but it kinda flashed away quickly so i just had a glimps. I did charge it but now i have this problem.

    I also sent a note to GI still waiting for reply.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:15 pm

    Apparently it is all 3 extra rooms (Pirate, Island, & UFO) that have the same bug wherein we can't explore them after assembling all the pieces. Mad

    Yes, please let us know what GI's response is. I hadn't heard about the brig having the same problem till now.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Kazk Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:17 pm

    I received a reply this morning. The problem seems to be with the assemble button. They are aware of it (surprise) and need to fix and test it for the new update.

    Guess we keep waiting.

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Rumorkid Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:15 am

    I just updated and they fixed it, at least i think cs it works for me Wink

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  islandgirl Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:31 am

    CONFIRMED! SOOOO happy to finally be able to enter the dang UFO bounce

    Now let's see what other things they have broken... Rolling Eyes

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    Can't Enter UFO! Empty Re: Can't Enter UFO!

    Post  Kazk Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:24 am

    Worked for me too.

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