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    How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room


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    How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room Empty How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room

    Post  wwragmom Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:08 pm

    I have run out of seeds that are required to enter the Sakura room. I have a quest to complete. I know that you can sometimes get them when banishing Joe the Farmer. But this is taking a long time, and is hit and miss. Is there any other way?

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    How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room Empty Re: How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room

    Post  paulinelhg Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:32 pm

    Yes, you can charge certain collection for seeds

    Open detective chest that contains room keys for all room except crypt or bunker

    You get detective chest generally when you reach stage 4 of different achievements

    Note: I try to save these chest to get keys for island, brig and UFO because keys are harder to get than seeds

    Good luck

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    How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room Empty Re: How do you get more seeds to enter the Sakura room

    Post  Martino Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:10 am

    I would advise you to banish only when you have a turtle of luck running (or wait until you get one). Otherwise the seeds drop sometimes with Joe, but with the turtle they drop allways I think.
    I almost never banish any creature without a turtle running.
    Also with that turtle of luck the seeds drop more often in the other rooms (I think hunting. library).
    Detective chest is the best option to get keys for the rooms, but it's a long way sometimes to arrive at the achievements to get to those...

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