Okay, so I have more rune stones than I can ever use, got a really good strategy for golden seeds, okay strategy for energy cells and golden coral; but no really good way to load up on gravitrons or secret containers. Anyone know any good tricks?
10 posters
Graviton and secret container strategy?
chrismmuff- Posts : 115
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Mbstr8k- Posts : 483
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chrismmuff wrote:Okay, so I have more rune stones than I can ever use, got a really good strategy for golden seeds, okay strategy for energy cells and golden coral; but no really good way to load up on gravitrons or secret containers. Anyone know any good tricks?
Is your reputation 51 yet? If not, work on that. It means you get 51 chances of gettgravy lien/secret containers when you visit 51 of your friends daily. If you visit with a turtle running the chances of receiving secret containers increase.
See which collections give these items as regards and request the collection items and chargers on your wish list.
From the guides on collection rewards:
Items for Entering Rooms.....collection
Runestones..........................20,21,23,49,58,107, 109, 114, 120……………to enter fortune telling room
Batteries...........................48,50,51,91, 107,110,112,114,120 …………………to enter laboratory
Alien Containers (secret containers)....................52………………….explore Room 51
Gravitons.".............................53....,.;......………to enter UFO
Golden Corals.......................81…………………to enter ocean room
Hyperboloids"...."...................75,114 (according to description in misc. section they give batteries and coins)
Energy cells (batteries?)..........92,93
No sure fire way, since you can't request them specifically...although you can buy them in the store...but who wants to do that if they don't have to?
Bettsy- Posts : 54
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I also tend not to charge the Guardian of the Universe collection (93) unless I am desperate for batteries, then when I go visiting friends on my gifting run I banish the aliens. Make sure that you have at least a turtle running and sometimes you get a container and a graviton from the same alien :-) it is slow going though and needs steady work.
Good luck.
Mbstr8k- Posts : 483
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Bettsy wrote:
I also tend not to charge the Guardian of the Universe collection (93) unless I am desperate for batteries, then when I go visiting friends on my gifting run I banish the aliens. Make sure that you have at least a turtle running and sometimes you get a container and a graviton from the same alien :-) it is slow going though and needs steady work.
Good luck.
Totally forgot that banishing aliens could give you the containers and gravitons! I've needed to update my guide on banishing manor roamers. I'll add this to the list right now. I got tired after working on the list the first time. I'd intended to come back and fill in the gaps on the alien banishing and just forgot. Maybe, this week I'll concentrate on it and the achievements update. :-)
csphd- Posts : 5
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chrismmuff wrote:Okay, so I have more rune stones than I can ever use, got a really good strategy for golden seeds, okay strategy for energy cells and golden coral; but no really good way to load up on gravitrons or secret containers. Anyone know any good tricks?
Can you share the good strategy for the golden seeds?
SJ- Posts : 68
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Yeah same, I'm all out of seeds and need to get in to Sakura to get the wire. To get the required 150 seeds I'd need to use 75 Kurisugamas on that farmer!!
I've got over 100,000 runes though. Highly useful :/
I've got over 100,000 runes though. Highly useful :/
Chickenchick111- Posts : 156
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Seed feed please pretty sure joe the farmer is only giving me one seed now, not five like he used to, boooo joe, hang your leafy rake in shame! ;-)
Savannah123- Posts : 97
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- Post n°8
golden seeds
One of the new olympic collections has 30 seeds per charge, helped me a lot.
brenda(Doglover)- Posts : 53
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chrismmuff wrote:Okay, so I have more rune stones than I can ever use, got a really good strategy for golden seeds, okay strategy for energy cells and golden coral; but no really good way to load up on gravitrons or secret containers. Anyone know any good tricks?
I too would like to know how you get seeds!! I'm all out and need to get the wire for the quest. I've been charging the new collection that gives 30 but I'm at expert level & need 50 each time.
Sakura- Posts : 248
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Yeah, same situation here. If not from ninjas, sometimes it drops from the manor too if we are lucky.
Avis- Posts : 32
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Doglover wrote:chrismmuff wrote:Okay, so I have more rune stones than I can ever use, got a really good strategy for golden seeds, okay strategy for energy cells and golden coral; but no really good way to load up on gravitrons or secret containers. Anyone know any good tricks?
I too would like to know how you get seeds!! I'm all out and need to get the wire for the quest. I've been charging the new collection that gives 30 but I'm at expert level & need 50 each time.
I'm stuck on the wire quest, only have 8 seeds and determined not to buy any but I need 50 for each visit and I can't find any ninjas at any of my friends manors. I also need the collection items to charge and get 30 seeds - going to be a slow period methinks!!
chrismmuff- Posts : 115
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Sorry folks, my initial "strategy" no longer applies after the recent updates. Now I would just charge those Olympic collections while we have the chance!
brenda(Doglover)- Posts : 53
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chrismmuff wrote:Sorry folks, my initial "strategy" no longer applies after the recent updates. Now I would just charge those Olympic collections while we have the chance!
Aha, I think I know what your strategy was.....