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    What charms to use? Strategy Question


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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  faff Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:58 pm

    I used the turtle of luck along with one of the free Golden Suns from the beach collection and it was awesome. I probably racked up more in those 6 hours than I had in my entire 2 months playing the game.

    I have 4 more turtles of luck but only one more Golden Sun and they aren't available to buy, nor are they shown as a reward on any of the collections. What do you use the turtle of luck with?

    I'm at level 25 and my energy is entirely depleted in 3-5 rooms. I have a couple copper Phoenixes but those are only good for 30 minutes at 80%. I'd need 12 of them to last me 6 hours.

    Anyone care to share some strategy with us newbies?


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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty Re: What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:02 am

    A Turtle of Luck lasts 6 hours.

    I make sure my energy is full and about to gain a level. Then I use the Turtle, along with a Magnet, a Golden Elephant (or better equivalent) and a Golden Phoenix (or better equivalent). I save all my helpers and make sure all my rooms are tipped.

    After you use all your energy and level up, you'll have full energy again to search even more rooms. I use all my food items once I run out of energy and other Phoenix charms once the first runs out.

    Basically, the Turtle is the most important charm in the whole game. Save all your bonus for the 6 hours it is in effect and time your level up with it.

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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty Re: What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:52 am

    so I would like some more charm coaching, please.
    Why should it be better to use Charms just before levelup?
    Isn't the percentage named relating to the maximum I have at that Time?
    I.e normal energy restoration is 1 pt/180seconds. If I use a copper phoenix it is reduced b 80%, with remaining 1pt/38seconds. Why should ist matter if I use ist before oder after lvl-up? What am I missing here? scratch
    Or is it just in combination with a turtle that it is most important so as to prolong the possible playtime?

    Is the Magnet something more then a "housekeeping tool"? In the beginning of the game I thought, I needed to collect all coins & stuff to actually get them. I mean, I understand that sometimes ist gets a little crowded if one isn't fast enough, but other than that?

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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty Re: What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:19 pm

    The magnet is just for housekeeping, as you call it.

    You get the most benefit from the Turtle of Luck if you search a lot of rooms, and banish monsters.

    The reason why it makes sense to use a Turtle of Luck before you level up is because you have the benefit of regaining your energy with the level up, so you end up using the Turtle of Luck for more room searches than if you hadn't leveled up. I save all my foods for Turtle of Luck too.

    The Turtle of Luck is the most important charm. All planning should be around your use of it. Very Happy

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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty Re: What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  LaVentosa Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:22 pm

    Admin wrote:

    The Turtle of Luck is the most important charm. All planning should be around your use of it. Very Happy

    I just used the turtle, a sun and a Magnet just before Lvlup, used up all my food and..
    I literally _breezed_ through 2 (!!!) Levlups and gathered LOTS of stuff.

    so... Thank you, Master Admin. It worked "like a charm" Very Happy

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    What charms to use? Strategy Question Empty Re: What charms to use? Strategy Question

    Post  Admin Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:38 pm

    Don't forget to use friend's tips and helpers too!

    When I am on a Turtle charm, I ask friends to leave tips and wake my helpers. Every bit helps!

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