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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI


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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:55 pm

    I thought it might be a bit easier for whatever reps are chosen if we compiled a list of solutions/demands.

    A few I thought of:

    01. More items to be purchased with coins (currently bankers are kinda screwed over)
    02. Diamond rewards for completing quests, achievements, and helping friends.
    03. Purchase diamonds using coins
    04. Higher reputation levels (many appear to stop tipping after maxing out at 51)
    05. A clear definition on which Apple policy caused this change
    06. A way to search/sort friends (anyone that has a lot knows how tedious it can be finding a specific friend)
    07. To be able to sell back extra items used during events and opening rooms
    08. Ability to gift ANY item

    These are just ideas and can be voted down or up depending on group opinion.

    *************************EDIT FROM THREAD**********************
    09. Beta test updates more before releasing and causing mass havok. (Crashes are unacceptable)
    10. Some way to add friends within Apple policy.
    11. Remove "Gift sent" popup after sending mystery gifts.
    12. Fix "thank you" bug for mystery gifts.
    13. Removing friends from your list once they've been asked and eliminating the "You've already asked this friend today" popup.
    14. Go back to the full tapping area--ie. not having to tap only on the "Take" button for gifts
    15. Eliminate causes of crashing, lost internet connection while gifting and scrolling through collections
    16. More consistent presence of snatchins, ninjas, and monsters so you don't have to search through 200 manors in order to find one Blackbeard...
    17. A return of multi-gifting, or some level of limited form
    18. The purchase of the enhanced pointer with coins
    19. Fix the "thank" function when receiving gifts, it now takes much too long and stalls
    20. I have not been able to claim a single "reward" from this or the last "event" because the game freezes at the moment I press "reward"
    21. Raise the amount of gifts that can be sent per day (I think it should be unlimited.
    22. Eliminate the entry items for rooms (or at least reduce them, purchase with coins etc)
    23. Recogonize existing items for new quests.
    24. Ability to stack charms (within reason)
    25. diamonds could drop randomly from trades with roamers or room searches
    26. random daily sign in bonus of coins, diamonds, charms, chests, tools, etc.
    27. bonus for visiting more than 50 friends per day...why even limit this? If you want to take time to visit all 500+ of your friends, so be it!
    28. higher drop rates on things like oil cans, trex filets...the things that seem like you can never get to drop
    29. friend list has occupation indicated(banker, scientist, explorer), could just be color coded or a symbol
    30. Go to box for collection number or search for collection item
    31. check box to accept all gifts received at once, another check box to thank senders all at once.
    32. days since played on friend info in the friend list. I'd really like to be able to clean up my friend list from those that played once and never logged back in
    33. favorite friends list
    34. send gifts to all friends at once...Example - choose flaming skull and send to all friends at one time with a checkbox, why do we have to click on each friend individually when we want to send everyone the same thing that day
    35. Ability to send an "add as friend request" from a player's manor.

    Last edited by Couffer on Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  cssconstruct Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:01 pm

    My simple request would be: Please at least beta test your updates before you unleash them on us. Our iPads should not be their testing environment.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  sunnyind Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:02 pm

    I would ask them to reinstate adding friends and they may limit to 25 or 30 friends a day, the way they limit one person cannot be added by 3 or more in a day.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  engineer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:06 pm

    Throwing in my 2 cents...

    7. Remove "Gift sent" popup after sending mystery gifts.
    8. Fix "thank you" bug for mystery gifts.
    9. Removing friends from your list once they've been asked and eliminating the "You've already asked this friend today" popup.
    10. Go back to the full tapping area--ie. not having to tap only on the "Take" button for gifts
    11. Eliminate causes of crashing, lost internet connection while gifting and scrolling through collections
    12. More consistent presence of snatchins, ninjas, and monsters so you don't have to search through 200 manors in order to find one Blackbeard...

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:06 pm

    Agree with all the above. Also interested as to why literally overnight in the middle of an uproar they have time to remote access and change things you could buy with coins, van helsing arsenal, to diamonds, yet not one post as to why or a courteous reply either. I've spent 340 plus quid since July as I've not the time to take advantage of synthesiser use and to a certain degree I can see why they need to cap the amount added daily but why can't we just add people, sod the diamonds if they want to make it like that, just make it a social playable network for us all. I'm also peeved that the only other items you can buy with coins, ie charms all bronze low time use Phoenix and elephant now won't work with artefacts, clearly greed of devp
    I can't be there at five pm due to hospital appointment at six and even if I could I'm not a fan of us having to beat them up for a conversation when they've clearly read everything posted and had time to delete off Facebook where they could have posted a simply announcement stating what the update coming will fix and when so that anyone who wants to leave and forget mm can and those who wish to stay can do that too. It was a big deal the announcement they said was coming in fifteen mins, except when it arrived it was fluff to distract people and make us fight with each other or bottle out
    Professor Plum
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Professor Plum Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:08 pm

    the amount of times my game crashes is absolutely ridiculous! Also when the game crashes I have to make sure I go to the home button & completely close the game before rebooting. If I don't then the game opens up from the original period and they then think I have changed the time on my ipad and am trying to cheat, when it's their bug that kicked me out in the first place.

    I hate the crashes the most

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:10 pm

    Has anyone contacted apple themselves regarding this? I'm sure everyone would get some refund of what they've put in, not time though sadly. If no contact has been made to apple to find out if what mm say is true I will try this now
    Maj. G
    Maj. G

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty A few more...

    Post  Maj. G Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:12 pm

    1. A return of multi-gifting, or some level of limited form
    2. The purchase of the enhanced pointer with coins
    3. Fix the "thank" function when receiving gifts, it now takes much too long and stalls
    4. I have not been able to claim a single "reward" from this or the last "event" because the game freezes at the moment I press "reward"
    5. The option to use coins or diamonds to purchase items....even if it's lots of coins. But give us the choice.
    6. A search function or "sort" for our friend list would be a time-saver
    Essex girl
    Essex girl

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Essex girl Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:14 pm

    Thought i would add in my tuppence worth Smile

    Agree with all the above totally! Plus:

    More than 10 collection items to gift in one day

    Obviously they need to make money. They are a business after all. So what about a paid monthly subscription or a a paid app. That way progress through the game wouldnt be so slow and frustrating because we wouldnt be so dependant on diamonds.

    Lets go get 'em! Very Happy

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Mogul Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:16 pm

    - would like to see the 10 wish list gift limit increased as the number of items needed to complete a request has increased significantly in the last couple of updates

    - reduce the number of diamonds/coins needed to purchase tools, etc. to the reasonable amounts they used to be

    - eliminate the items needed to open the older rooms - ie. sakura, room 51,lab, etc. - who can afford to buy 50 diamonds to enter a room that takes 30 seconds to clear

    -re-instate recognizing existing collection items for new quests rather than having to start from 0

    - reinstate using coins to purchase items for the one collection sorry don't have the collection number but it is one of the van heslings

    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Aphrodite- PJ/TJ Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:20 pm

    Aphrodite throwing in her 2 cents:

    Just a thought- how about allow multigifting above a certain level- like above level 50 you can gift 2 of each item to a friend- above 99 then 3 of each, above 150 -4 of each, etc. That way the higher levels can help out the lowers without going crazy looking for game glitches and we can gather the required amount of chargers and collection items that you need for the higher level quests. You should also be able to gift more collection items per day- 10 is ridiculously low.

    Same could be done with charms- can develop the ability to stack as a leveling perk:) this way the developers and the players don't feel like we are trying to work around each other in the game:)

    Maybe having these options would improve moral as well:)


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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:20 pm

    Also if anyone has the motivation to collect and list suggestions from the facebook thread, that would be a huge help, that way we can say everything all in one go.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Neodymm Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:25 pm

    A few quick thoughts:

    -diamonds could drop randomly from trades with roamers or room searches
    -random daily sign in bonus of coins, diamonds, charms, chests, tools, etc.
    -bonus for visiting more than 50 friends per day...why even limit this? If you want to take time to visit all 500+ of your friends, so be it!
    -higher drop rates on things like oil cans, trex filets...the things that seem like you can never get to drop
    -sort features on friend list: sort by name, experience, level, most recently visited to and from,
    -friend list has occupation indicated(banker, scientist, explorer), could just be color coded or a symbol
    -Go to box for collection number or search for collection item
    -check box to accept all gifts received at once, another check box to thank senders all at once.
    -days since played on friend info in the friend list. I'd really like to be able to clean up my friend list from those that played once and never logged back in
    -favorite friends list
    -send gifts to all friends at once...Example - choose flaming skull and send to all friends at one time with a checkbox, why do we have to click on each friend individually when we want to send everyone the same thing that day
    -ability to send more than 50 gifts per day. We wouldn't need MG if this were the case.
    -Ability to send an "add as friend request" from a player's manor.

    That's all that popped into my head at the moment! Idea

    Oh, Umm, crashing?? There is really no excuse for this at all. Don't push updates that aren't adequately alpha and beta tested. Crashes should be abnormal, not the norm like they are now.

    I'll keep thinking and sorry if any of this was duplicative to earlier posts.
    Maj. G
    Maj. G

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Aphrodite...

    Post  Maj. G Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:27 pm

    I think those are excellent suggestions. It was a natural progression, but now that they made it obsolete, it would make sense for them to bring it back as a leveling up reward.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Flamingo Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:29 pm

    sunnyind wrote:I would ask them to reinstate adding friends and they may limit to 25 or 30 friends a day, the way they limit one person cannot be added by 3 or more in a day.

    MM already has a limit of 20 friends max added per day.
    Maj. G
    Maj. G

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Oh!

    Post  Maj. G Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:30 pm

    And please.....give us bankers a useful purpose! I feel like a leper with my worthless tips.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Neodymm Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:32 pm

    Maj. G wrote:And please.....give us bankers a useful purpose! I feel like a leper with my worthless tips.

    How about if bankers tips give the chance of dropping diamonds and/or coins with room search :-)

    Of course, having more tools, charms, col. items, etc. available for purchase with coins will also make bankers more appreciated!

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  engineer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:32 pm

    Flamingo wrote:
    sunnyind wrote:I would ask them to reinstate adding friends and they may limit to 25 or 30 friends a day, the way they limit one person cannot be added by 3 or more in a day.

    MM already has a limit of 20 friends max added per day.
    It certainly didn't use to be that way... it was unlimited before!
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Aphrodite- PJ/TJ Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:34 pm

    Maj. G wrote:I think those are excellent suggestions. It was a natural progression, but now that they made it obsolete, it would make sense for them to bring it back as a leveling up reward.

    Same could be done with the number of diamonds you receive for leveling up- let us have our freind codes for free if Apple states we cannot have diamonds due to some financial restrictions but then give a progressively higher number of diamonds as you level up as it takes more experience points and quests to complete each level:)

    I am on a role today!
    Luv this game and luved many of you as well;)

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:36 pm

    Where do they want us to tell them our elected elite to get interview time? Put their email addresses on Facebook forum? No way! I'm sur if we could complain to apple, and I've been searching since my last post here to find somewhere to contact, and found nothing, apple would surely just stop this shite now, their offer and that's what it reads as, fifteen lucky people get the chance to ask them, unwritten and only verbally and then they get to relay the infor to the world instead of gi doing it??

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:38 pm

    OK I edited my first post, sorry if I missed any, trying to consolidate similar ideas as best I can

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Flamingo Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:42 pm

    Come on folks, Multi Gifting was a glitch that "WE" discovered, not a rightful game option! It was used & abused and now it's gone.
    Forget about it. Find "workable" recommendations to make the game more user friendly. GI needs to make money, so it will be give & take solutions.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:43 pm

    I am concerned by the people on face book that've just told me they've now been blocked from the game by saying mm have deleted their posts.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:45 pm

    Flamingo wrote:Come on folks, Multi Gifting was a glitch that "WE" discovered, not a rightful game option! It was used & abused and now it's gone.
    Forget about it. Find "workable" recommendations to make the game more user friendly. GI needs to make money, so it will be give & take solutions.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my take on it as well. I figured just list them all then weed them down to the best of the best.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  sunnyind Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:50 pm

    Exactly, I wrote as they were being greedy and could not provide us the Apple rules in writing, they deleted my post. I retyped the post on FB and they deleted again and blocked me post on FB. It is so shame instead of reading and answering my posts, they blocked me. They did not have answers to our rightful questions.

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