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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI


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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Flamingo Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:50 pm

    Couffer wrote:Also if anyone has the motivation to collect and list suggestions from the facebook thread, that would be a huge help, that way we can say everything all in one go.

    01 - One's Occupation has nothing to do with Purchases. Since they have changed many items to purchase to diamond from coins, now that acquiring diamonds have stopped, more items should be available to purchase using coins.

    26 - We already have a "daily sign in reward" of 500 coins.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:57 pm

    Flamingo wrote:
    Couffer wrote:Also if anyone has the motivation to collect and list suggestions from the facebook thread, that would be a huge help, that way we can say everything all in one go.

    01 - One's Occupation has nothing to do with Purchases. Since they have changed many items to purchase to diamond from coins, now that acquiring diamonds have stopped, more items should be available to purchase using coins.

    26 - We already have a "daily sign in reward" of 500 coins.

    I was referring to the common sentiment that people would rather have tips from scientists and explorers rather than bankers because there's not really much to spend coins on currently. If more purchases could be made with coins people would appreciate tips from bankers more.

    And I think they want different sign in bonuses rather than coins everytime.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Skyler Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:01 pm

    I would add, capping the amount of experience points needed to level up. Once you get to a high level it starts taking 100,000 or more to level up and with no multi-gifting, it makes it very hard to level up. I suggest make each level after 100 or so require 50,000 experience points or less.
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ
    Aphrodite- PJ/TJ

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Aphrodite- PJ/TJ Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:05 pm

    Couffer wrote:
    Flamingo wrote:Come on folks, Multi Gifting was a glitch that "WE" discovered, not a rightful game option! It was used & abused and now it's gone.
    Forget about it. Find "workable" recommendations to make the game more user friendly. GI needs to make money, so it will be give & take solutions.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my take on it as well. I figured just list them all then weed them down to the best of the best.

    I agree "we" found it and yes, maybe overused it but it will return regardless as players find new ways to manipulate the game- incorporating these items into the game makes it more playable and less likely to be "hacked". This saves the programmers from having to chase us with updates to close glitches if they are seen as game "perks". Abused is such an ugly word luv:)
    They will make more money if players are motivated to stay in the game!!!
    Maj. G
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Maj. G Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:06 pm

    Re: the multi - gifting, I don't think it's un reasonable. Sending 1 gift to each friend a day is not much. I have tons of generous friends and I find myself "stuck" so often now, the joy is gone. That was one of most fun parts of the game! The gift giving! To me, it's a big issue. So it was a glitch, the players loved it! The game was doing very well when it was in use, put it into the game in some limited form.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:23 pm

    Yeah the only way they'll allow multi-gifts if they count against people inventory, because if they officially allowed us to create new items with no repercussions people would go absolutely crazy with it. So perhaps we can reword it a bit to be more reasonable like the level based suggestion that was made earlier.
    Maj. G
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty What it were offered as a reward?

    Post  Maj. G Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:44 pm

    Perhaps "congratulations, you have just earned the ability to reward a friend x number of gifts that will not count against your inventory....". Okay, so I'm hung up on the gift giving.....I really miss it.
    mystery maven
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty additional suggestion

    Post  mystery maven Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:46 pm

    please sort friends by level number when we click on the "ask friend" button -- makes it easier and faster to ask friends who are at an appropriate level for a particular gift.

    also, it has been said before, but don't show a particular friend in the list until they're eligible to be asked again.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:51 pm

    Is it stupid to suggest if they're gonna balls us for diamonds and money they charge either a one off fee then start all new gamers at a pay for app and rest of us who've been from whenever carry on as we are at level? Or to pay some kind of LOW monthly fee, that stops people who don't pay for diamonds which they hate obviously and also means those who want to play can without getting robbed, if it was say 2.99 Stirling a month who'd play if there were no diamond charges or whatever? Say that got you 500d a month but was compulsory spend, thems who want out, go, those who want to pay to play get fixed game and all is good in the world. Sure as hell be cheaper for me that way

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  kk_mm Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:26 pm

    Chickenchick111 wrote:I am concerned by the people on face book that've just told me they've now been blocked from the game by saying mm have deleted their posts.

    I'm sorry if I sound duff, but how could mm links fb people to the game? Via the friend codes they have posted on fb page?

    I agree with all the above suggestions, particularity those who I have already sent gift requests should be removed from the list, I found the pop up telling you've already asked the friend supper annoying! Also the diamonds and in app purchases are too pricy, if they could drop their price to be fair and reasonable or they will just drive players away from the game!

    Edit: Taking away add friend facility is like taken away my freedom to add friends, this is (or was) built for social entertainment, it should not be removed; also what they have posted on fb contradicts their reponse to many players, I don't know much about the gaming industry or how apple regulates the app developers but I found it hard to believe if apple would shot themselves to allow any unpopular game in their AppStore!

    Last edited by kk_mm on Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:48 pm

    I think they'd find people easy enough from the email address used for fb and apple, mostly it's a primary address I reckon? Also there's still people even now posting friend codes on the announcement link (crazy lol) so that just shows them some people will carry on playing....poop

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  kk_mm Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:00 pm

    Chickenchick111 wrote:I think they'd find people easy enough from the email address used for fb and apple, mostly it's a primary address I reckon? Also there's still people even now posting friend codes on the announcement link (crazy lol) so that just shows them some people will carry on playing....poop

    Mmmmm I don't think fb or apple could share their users info with any app developer! My best shot would be the friend code!

    Yeah I couldnt agree with you more! I'm amused to see many players continue to post their friend codes on the announcement!

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:13 pm

    No I mean gi can find mm players through their Facebook profile that's leaving comments on their wall and consequently ban them. A lady in puerto RICO messaged me saying she was first banned from their Facebook wall, then when returned to her manor was banned saying you have been cheating, she hadn't played since may she said. She barely spoke English but saw my comments were getting hotter toward gi and thought she would warn me, so I've since changed my details, if they ban me I've covered myself with this email direct to apple.....

    Hi, the above app has been defective since last two updates. The develops want us to pay exorbitant prices for a game advertised as free, I've spent over £340 on diamonds for this game and they are now removing any method of progressing within the game without buying these which I WAS happy to do. There has been mass revolt at the shoddy development, they churn out bi weekly updates, not tested and after the majority of players staging a global boycott today, they have come onto their Facebook page, deleted any negative comments and blocked people and are telling us they will only discuss our problems by 15 out of the millions of players globally entering into a Skype conversation at 5pm gmt tomorrow. They're saying that the system the game uses for adding friends and us receiving a 3,4 or 5 diamond reward for it is now banned by apple but they will not provide any evidence of this and apps such as Disney hidden objects still use this method of in app reward. Game insight are now getting very greedy and have turned a feature of the game, receiving coins into useless waste of time as they're turning everything you could use coins for to diamond pay only and you must buy diamonds to buy the items needed to progress. Are they allowed to take us hostage over Skype instead of answering questions on the very public forum, Facebook, that they used two hours ago to tell us a large announcement was coming?? Why can they not defend their actions there instead of demanding we find fifteen people available in work hours to Skype with players they've never met on a conference call? The actions of this greedy Russian developer are marring not just experience but game play, they've ruined it making it sluggish and for most people now unplayable as it constantly freezes and crashes and they ban anyone from the game who tells them the problems accusing them of time zone cheating!! I've played since July and enjoyed the social aspect but it concerns me that they now see handing out diamonds for adding friends means they make less money but they advertise wildly in capitals their game is totally free to play on the download screen. Can you please advise us as a gaming community what can be done as surely there is nothing that you have said whereby we cannot get a simple five credits for adding friends.. One of the games quests is to add five hundred friends, how can we do with the ability removed, not to mention the fact they're acting dishonestly and disreputably, it's disgusting. 340 quid down the drain because they've got too greedy in the last two weeks. No one would mind paying for the app to start with but stating its free then expecting people to spend 69.99 a week for something not fit for purpose is a joke, and telling fifteen people theylle only answer questions via Skype for half an hour tomorrow at 5pm instead of just posting on line in writing, the breach they claim you say they've broken, and what the nests update will fix and when, then players can decide for themselves whether to walk away from the game or to stay. Please advise ASAP whether this is at all legal or whether they in doing this are in breach of apple regs. Thanks in advance from a very unhappy and sad **************** my name removed.

    I'm not sure how many have contacted apple direct, taken me hours to find app support but I've marked it legal issues with this app and devp team so hoping for a swift answer as all the facts are above or on Facebook, they can clearly see critical comments removed and the whole hostage situation of not having in writing what's said tomorrow will only lead to worse. Anyone know anyone at sky news who can get it on as global consumer protest LOLOLOL

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Shadowcat Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:24 pm

    While I enjoyed multi-gifting, I agree that allowing us to basically create items is not sustainable from the developers point of view. I wouldn't bother asking for that.

    Things I would really like to see:
    1. Get rid of extra gift sent button in accepting gifts/sending thank you gifts.
    2. Have a way to sort friends or search for friends, would be really nice to be able to go to friend from their gift, but search by name would take care of that easily enough
    3. Have a way to ask multiple people for chargers at once - like check off people then "ask"
    4. Be able to send gifts to multiple people at once - similar to above
    5. Have everything reset at once - gifting, visiting, tips, asking for gifts - and preferably at the same time every day. I hate that my gift reset time keeps resetting later and later because I am busy with other things or have no Internet at the proper time! If they can't have it reset at same time, have it tell us when it will reset.
    6. Not have friends reappear on list you can request from, until you can actually request from them!

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Customer support!

    Post  Hme Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:44 pm

    The main thing we need is a reply!

    I paid diamonds for a christmas tree that disappeared three days later and much before the stated end.
    I could never get a response to rectify he situation and it was eventually closed.
    I've never gotten over that and consider it theft of my paid diamonds.
    Multigifting was my way of making up for that.
    Many people have had the same feelings about support NOT responding at ll to legit
    Problems of paid diamond theft!

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Shadowcat Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:06 pm

    Ifs once they have an achievement for buying chests, there should be chests worth buying in the store! I haven't bought any since the couple of golden chests I have gotten as rewards for other things have only had low level collection items is them - of the same sort that I get as mystery gifts. No way am I paying diamonds for that!

    Also they seriously need to increase drop rate for oil cans! There should be a way to find enough oil cans to complete some of these quests, without buying them or waiting a year or more for enough to drop! At best I was getting 3 oil cans a day (playing with a turtle and using 1500-200 energy per day!)
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Combination of here and FB

    Post  Mags UFF Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:11 pm

    I combined your list with FB and grouped items by topic below :

    Key points we the players would like addressed

    >cost is too expensive
    * other alternatives for acquiring them other than leveling up or purchasing
             - suggestions include:
    Creating a collection that charge reward is diamonds
    Swapping out some items that are diamond purchased for being coin purchased to make coins more usable
    Drop when banishing creatures
    Purchase diamonds with coins
    Bankers tips randomly leaving coins or diamonds (we feel useless to our friends)
    Earning higher numbers of diamonds as we reach higher levels
    Tools previously bought with coins to go back to being purchased with coins instead of diamonds
    Any item that is purchased with diamonds having a confirmation "do you really want to purchase" button

    > the ability to sort friends list (by level, experience, name, ordered we became friends, something that makes sense)
    A separate tab with favorite friends for easy visiting

    >Friend Codes - This is a social based game, if you do not want to give diamonds for entering; we still need a way to add friends even if there is no reward for doing it

    >shorten length of time it takes to regenerate
    we can only play for 15 minutes every day once we unlocked higher level rooms at this regeneration rate

    > length of time spent accepting gifts due to added "gift sent" button is not worth the gifts we receive now. If you have 400 friends and do a mass wall request for a charging item, you will spend the next hour (at least) just accepting gifts

    >collection item limit/gift sent limit
    10 collection items a day is not enough to keep the feeling of community or willingness to trade open.  If I send a trade to someone, I may not get the item I'm to receive for trade for several days because there is now a backlog of people trading in front of me
    50 total items seems like a lot when you first start; however as you expand your friend list could this number grow? If you have 500 friends, each friend will only receive a gift from you 3 times in a month

    Multi gifting- yes it was a bug, but it was a bug that hurt no one and brought a smile to almost everyone's face. In the economic times that we are in, many of us can't afford to buy things none essential gifts for ourselves, our loved ones, or be as charitable as we once were. This was a simple yet effective way for us to get a small feeling of the joy of giving. 
    Was even suggested that this was a feature that was gained as one gains higher levels so they can help the new kids become as addicted as we are. For example when reaching level 50 you can now gift two of the same item with only 1 counting against your inventory, level 100 - 3 gifts with 1 against your inventory, etc

    ROOM KEYS (sakura, ocean, brig, islan, ufo, laboratory, & area 51)
    Obtaining keys to enter these rooms have become next to impossible to find
    Easy suggestion to fix, have mystery gifts drop all keys randomly instead of only for fortune telling room 

    Finding the correct creature to banish for items needed to play has becoming increasingly difficult. All ninjas except joe have completely vanished from the game, Blackbeard and the seahorse are also difficult to find now

    Increase the drop rate or decrease the number needed for quest and achievements. At current drop rate, it would take over a year to either the quest or achievement that involve oil cans

    Mechanical helpers - a way to earn them without purchasing

    We would rather wait a little longer for updates if they crashed less often

    Ability to stack any charm with any artifact

    Gift tab for collection items to send
    Put into same order as collections so easier to find item you want to send
    Add a slider bar on one side to help eliminate accidentally sending wrong item as scrolling

    When asking friends for a wall request item, they need to stay hidden for the full 24 hours. They used to, now it takes to long to figure out who you've already asked
    Would like for friends to be listed by level or only display on ask a friend wall if they are correct level for giving that item
    They ability to select multiple friends to request gift or send gift at once

    Reset times- please make a uniform time that doesn't change say midnight.  Every item has a different reset time currently making it confusing to know when to gift, when to ask for gifts, when to visit friends, etc.
    If not at midnight at least have all reset at same time and have a clock with time remaining until next reset

    No automatic charms, we should be able to choose when and which charm we want to use and delete it if we find we don't like it (vanquisher charms were stuck on for nearly a month)

    End the "no previous items count" once in awhile is ok, but every quest is just a slap in the face to those who have achieved higher levels

    Spending money on a "free" game should be an option instead of a necessity to make any progress in the game.  There are many games that utilize in-app purchases but they enhance the game and are not required to actually play the game. We could give many examples but you have asked us not to talk about other platforms or developers

    As a company you should be proud that you have developed a game, that so many people from around the world feel so passionately about that they have not simply deleted the game.  Make us feel like we are being heard as consumers and your ratings will surely jump back up to the 5 star rating that you had one month ago

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty My 2 cents

    Post  Kristi927 Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:15 pm

    Has it been suggested yet to have a confirm purchase button when buying something that cost diamonds. I have accidentally spent hundreds of diamonds
    Mags UFF
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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Added to list

    Post  Mags UFF Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:18 pm

    Kristi927 wrote:Has it been suggested yet to have a confirm purchase button when buying something that cost diamonds. I have accidentally spent hundreds of diamonds
    Yep I updated the list with the suggestions from you, Sara, QV, and IDEvices in the list above Smile

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Short and Sweet

    Post  Hme Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:30 pm

    The danger we run into is making a huge list that dilutes the serious issues.
    If they can alphabetize the friends list and say they listened to us we've failed.
    That's what happens when you mix a large list of issues, some major and some lessor.

    Poor customer support is a serious issue. (see other chit chat posts)
    Inability to add friends is a serious issue.

    People would pay for reasonable upgrades because the game is at its core very good.
    A dollar for a day of infinite energy, for example.

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  DebbyM Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:33 pm

    I get really frustrated by having to scroll through hundreds of friends looking for those level 99 and over to request a certain item. And the list resets to the top every time I select someone! Please filter these!

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:53 pm

    Mags UFF wrote:Couffer
    I combined your list with FB and grouped items by topic below :

    Key points we the players would like addressed

    >cost is too expensive
    * other alternatives for acquiring them other than leveling up or purchasing
             - suggestions include:
    Creating a collection that charge reward is diamonds
    Swapping out some items that are diamond purchased for being coin purchased to make coins more usable
    Drop when banishing creatures
    Purchase diamonds with coins
    Bankers tips randomly leaving coins or diamonds (we feel useless to our friends)
    Earning higher numbers of diamonds as we reach higher levels
    Tools previously bought with coins to go back to being purchased with coins instead of diamonds
    Any item that is purchased with diamonds having a confirmation "do you really want to purchase" button

    > the ability to sort friends list (by level, experience, name, ordered we became friends, something that makes sense)
    A separate tab with favorite friends for easy visiting

    >Friend Codes - This is a social based game, if you do not want to give diamonds for entering; we still need a way to add friends even if there is no reward for doing it

    >shorten length of time it takes to regenerate
    we can only play for 15 minutes every day once we unlocked higher level rooms at this regeneration rate

    > length of time spent accepting gifts due to added "gift sent" button is not worth the gifts we receive now. If you have 400 friends and do a mass wall request for a charging item, you will spend the next hour (at least) just accepting gifts

    >collection item limit/gift sent limit
    10 collection items a day is not enough to keep the feeling of community or willingness to trade open.  If I send a trade to someone, I may not get the item I'm to receive for trade for several days because there is now a backlog of people trading in front of me
    50 total items seems like a lot when you first start; however as you expand your friend list could this number grow? If you have 500 friends, each friend will only receive a gift from you 3 times in a month

    Multi gifting- yes it was a bug, but it was a bug that hurt no one and brought a smile to almost everyone's face. In the economic times that we are in, many of us can't afford to buy things none essential gifts for ourselves, our loved ones, or be as charitable as we once were. This was a simple yet effective way for us to get a small feeling of the joy of giving. 
    Was even suggested that this was a feature that was gained as one gains higher levels so they can help the new kids become as addicted as we are. For example when reaching level 50 you can now gift two of the same item with only 1 counting against your inventory, level 100 - 3 gifts with 1 against your inventory, etc

    ROOM KEYS (sakura, ocean, brig, islan, ufo, laboratory, & area 51)
    Obtaining keys to enter these rooms have become next to impossible to find
    Easy suggestion to fix, have mystery gifts drop all keys randomly instead of only for fortune telling room 

    Finding the correct creature to banish for items needed to play has becoming increasingly difficult. All ninjas except joe have completely vanished from the game, Blackbeard and the seahorse are also difficult to find now

    Increase the drop rate or decrease the number needed for quest and achievements. At current drop rate, it would take over a year to either the quest or achievement that involve oil cans

    Mechanical helpers - a way to earn them without purchasing

    We would rather wait a little longer for updates if they crashed less often

    Ability to stack any charm with any artifact

    Gift tab for collection items to send
    Put into same order as collections so easier to find item you want to send
    Add a slider bar on one side to help eliminate accidentally sending wrong item as scrolling

    When asking friends for a wall request item, they need to stay hidden for the full 24 hours. They used to, now it takes to long to figure out who you've already asked
    Would like for friends to be listed by level or only display on ask a friend wall if they are correct level for giving that item
    They ability to select multiple friends to request gift or send gift at once

    Reset times- please make a uniform time that doesn't change say midnight.  Every item has a different reset time currently making it confusing to know when to gift, when to ask for gifts, when to visit friends, etc.
    If not at midnight at least have all reset at same time and have a clock with time remaining until next reset

    No automatic charms, we should be able to choose when and which charm we want to use and delete it if we find we don't like it (vanquisher charms were stuck on for nearly a month)

    End the "no previous items count" once in awhile is ok, but every quest is just a slap in the face to those who have achieved higher levels

    Spending money on a "free" game should be an option instead of a necessity to make any progress in the game.  There are many games that utilize in-app purchases but they enhance the game and are not required to actually play the game. We could give many examples but you have asked us not to talk about other platforms or developers

    As a company you should be proud that you have developed a game, that so many people from around the world feel so passionately about that they have not simply deleted the game.  Make us feel like we are being heard as consumers and your ratings will surely jump back up to the 5 star rating that you had one month ago

    You are the absolute best, thank you soooooooooooooo very much!

    A few things:
    01. To be able to gift ANY item in inventory; charms, artifacts, room openers, completed collections etc
    02. Ability to sell back useless inventory items (I have several items that were used for opening rooms and events that just sit there taking up data)

    Last edited by Couffer on Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:59 pm

    I think it is a really bad idea to agree to this conference call. We are all individual customers (some of whom, seem to have paid a considerable amount of money playing) and deserve to be addressed as such. We are not employees that are part of a union.

    I believe that the only way to get GI to treat us properly is to continue to blitz the app store with negative reviews and refuse to make any purchases until they publicly explain how they plan to fix the game and provide proof that friend codes are no longer allowed (I just don't believe it because so many other games use some version of them and hey have ignored the numerous requests to provide them).

    Hitting their reputation and their wallet is truly the only way to encourage GI to provide this very basic service called customer service.


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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Hme Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:03 am

    I certainly don't feel that list reflects "we the players" though I think you deserve credit for compiling it.
    I fear the core problems are becoming diluted and as usual the "in" crowd is having a greater voice in the discussion.
    Thus the secret 15. silent

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    We need a consolidated list of demands for GI - Page 2 Empty Re: We need a consolidated list of demands for GI

    Post  Couffer Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:06 am

    This is only a step towards progress, we should at least see how they respond to initial "negotiations". If the majority are still not satisfied we can always start round two, the only way to definitely lose (in my opinion) is not to engage.

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