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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List


    OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List Empty OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List

    Post  Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:15 am

    Please post your questions and suggestions for the conference here.
    Do not use this thread to talk about others opinions, I would like it to stay organized.
    This is for the use of the mmuff reps so they can speak on the behalf of everyone who isn't chosen

    Thank youu

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    OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List Empty Re: OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List

    Post  Skyler Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:25 am

    This doesnt have to be so difficult. There are 3 things that need to happen.

    1) Someone or 2 needs to record the whole thing for the rest of us.
    2) Have a list of prepared questions and suggestions
    3) Have rebuttals for their answers that do not properly answer our questions.

    Anyone can be a rep if they have the questions ahead of time. If there was an app programmer who has access to apples policies that would be a plus of course.

    Lastly, be prepared for the "hide behind apple policies" statement.

    Be cordial and firm but not nasty.

    Just my opinion...take it or leave it..

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    MM Name : WaccaWacca

    OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List Empty WaccaWacca's List

    Post  WaccaWacca! Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:27 am

    1. Earn diamonds for completing quests or helping friends.

    2. Search friend option.

    3. Sort friend option (name or level),

    3. NO MORE "items previously collected" do not count toward completing quests.

    4. Be able to purchase diamonds with coins.

    5. Fix the collecting gifts bug.

    6. Be able to add friends (even if you don't get diamonds as long as #4 happens)

    7. Get rid of the maximum 10 collection items sent today feature - perhaps limiting one collection item per level or per two levels?

    8. When asking for gifts from friends - make it so they disappear from list after asking that day - not getting error that you already asked that friend today - too hard to keep track especially if you cannot sort friends!

    9. If you have a quest to banish a particular snatchin then that snatchin should be in your manor - shouldn't have to search them out.

    10. A way to visit a friend from the gift list directly (not necessary if you could sort friends).

    11. The price of diamonds purchased with cold hard cash should be MUCH cheaper. $20 should get you at least 1000 diamonds. OR the price of items purchased with diamonds should be greatly reduced.

    12. Items that used to cost coins that are now diamonds - change BACK to COINS!

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    MM Name : Truperduper

    OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List Empty Re: OFFICIAL GI Skype Conference Issue List

    Post  truperduper Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:20 am

    If GI continues with the previously collected items don't count then.....some way to tell how many and what are the new items. For instance on the new quest to charge the Kraken you have to collect each of the 5 sea creepers. I had a few in my collection prior to the quest that were old so i couldnt tell which are the new ones. The game keeps track of the new items so somehow share the info with the player.

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