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2 posters

    The last straw. Gi are diamond grabbing clever greedy people.


    Posts : 169
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    MM Name : samc147

    The last straw. Gi are diamond grabbing clever greedy people.  Empty The last straw. Gi are diamond grabbing clever greedy people.

    Post  Samc147 Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:01 am

    Just when I thought brilliant Gi have done something good with the new update.

    Yes oil cans are dropping from every room and we have new quests.

    But the new bit when the battle then the new room is just the last straw.

    When you battle you do not have to reach 10000 points to open the room just to be in a battle will open the room. And yes fantastic you get a chest. With the keys in it to play the room.

    However once you have opened the room and used the keys. There is no way possible to get the keys again to play it again unless you pay diamonds to battle again. Which locks the room again then you have to banish dark adepts again or pay another ten diamonds to battle again. Then you get to 10000 points or wait 8 hours. Yes you get another chest but again but once you have used the keys in it you have to battle again or no more keys.

    Also as if involves dark adepts this is probably a full moon room.

    It's very clever of Gi.

    So it costs 12 diamonds each time to battle to play the room 3 times. 2 diamonds is to battle again and 10 diamonds to get the keys or wait and banish 10 dark adepts. Shocking I say.

    Posts : 48
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    Join date : 2012-09-13
    Location : USA
    MM Name : ThuyAn

    The last straw. Gi are diamond grabbing clever greedy people.  Empty Re: The last straw. Gi are diamond grabbing clever greedy people.

    Post  ThuyAn Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:46 pm

    Samc147 wrote:Just when I thought brilliant Gi have done something good with the new update.

    Yes oil cans are dropping from every room and we have new quests.

    But the new bit when the battle then the new room is just the last straw.

    When you battle you do not have to reach 10000 points to open the room just to be in a battle will open the room. And yes fantastic you get a chest. With the keys in it to play the room.

    However once you have opened the room and used the keys. There is no way possible to get the keys again to play it again unless you pay diamonds to battle again. Which locks the room again then you have to banish dark adepts again or pay another ten diamonds to battle again. Then you get to 10000 points or wait 8 hours. Yes you get another chest but again but once you have used the keys in it you have to battle again or no more keys.

    Also as if involves dark adepts this is probably a full moon room.

    It's very clever of Gi.

    So it costs 12 diamonds each time to battle to play the room 3 times. 2 diamonds is to battle again and 10 diamonds to get the keys or wait and banish 10 dark adepts. Shocking I say.

    Well said!!!

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