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    Trading with the old gypsy to get a book of black magic


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    Trading with the old gypsy to get a book of black magic Empty Trading with the old gypsy to get a book of black magic

    Post  valarie.kuchel Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:23 am

    Can anyone help here , I've traded with this woman a number of times and lost my brooms all for some coins - how can I get rid of this quest and finally get the book she,s offering. I've already got one in my collections - why doesn't this one count ? Aahhhh very frustrating (!am I doing something wrong or just being a dummy ) x
    Valli from Brisbane 2550c7

    Posts : 9
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    Join date : 2012-08-10
    Age : 71
    Location : Louisiana, USA
    Friend Code : 9184b6
    MM Name : Kentremont

    Trading with the old gypsy to get a book of black magic Empty Re: Trading with the old gypsy to get a book of black magic

    Post  Kentremont Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:04 pm

    Just send the one u have to a friend and have them send it back. that should make it count cheers

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