I especially dislike the horseshoe quests as they seem to require you to spend diamonds on horseshoes. Rooms dropping horseshoes seem pretty rare.
My question is, can you just skip doing the trading with Gypsies for horseshoes and the turning in 30 of each horseshoe to Joanna (and that other guy) quests? Or do the completion of those open up very necessary quests?
I'm a diamond hoarder. I have a really hard time allowing myself to spend any diamonds. I always think I'll need them down the road and won't have them if I spend them.
My question is, can you just skip doing the trading with Gypsies for horseshoes and the turning in 30 of each horseshoe to Joanna (and that other guy) quests? Or do the completion of those open up very necessary quests?
I'm a diamond hoarder. I have a really hard time allowing myself to spend any diamonds. I always think I'll need them down the road and won't have them if I spend them.