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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?


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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  Kaetra Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:09 am

    I especially dislike the horseshoe quests as they seem to require you to spend diamonds on horseshoes. Rooms dropping horseshoes seem pretty rare.

    My question is, can you just skip doing the trading with Gypsies for horseshoes and the turning in 30 of each horseshoe to Joanna (and that other guy) quests? Or do the completion of those open up very necessary quests?

    I'm a diamond hoarder. I have a really hard time allowing myself to spend any diamonds. I always think I'll need them down the road and won't have them if I spend them.

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  ValkyrieSB9 Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:34 am

    Kaetra wrote:I especially dislike the horseshoe quests as they seem to require you to spend diamonds on horseshoes. Rooms dropping horseshoes seem pretty rare.

    My question is, can you just skip doing the trading with Gypsies for horseshoes and the turning in 30 of each horseshoe to Joanna (and that other guy) quests? Or do the completion of those open up very necessary quests?

    I'm a diamond hoarder. I have a really hard time allowing myself to spend any diamonds. I always think I'll need them down the road and won't have them if I spend them.

    Have you used the Synthesizer? Not sure if they unlock new quests.. I have so many stuff in my Inventories when I clear a quest the following quests just clear themselves because I already have what they want.. I think you should charge a Gypsy Runner collection first because it gives you 50 silver horseshoes.. With that you will probably get more horses.. Then more horseshoes. Repeat until satisfied Smile

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  AllisonPJ Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:34 pm

    I'm a diamond hoarder as well, so I can sympathize. I had those horseshoe quests on my screen for what felt like months, only getting one or two every now and then. But then I realized there were a few collections that gi9ve you horseshoes, and was able to finally finish them without spending any money or diamonds!

    I can't remember off the top of my head right now which they were, in addition to the one mentioned below that gives you 50 silver horseshoes, there's another collection that gives 100 copper ones. Between those two, I was able to finally finish my horseshoe/gypsy quests in one day!

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  Kaetra Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:22 pm

    Thanks everyone. I spent some diamonds buying copper horseshoes to trade with the gypsy children in an attempt to get items to trade with older gypsies in order to get the horses needed for the 50 silver horseshoe reward collection. I spent 18 diamonds and got 1 collection charged, which let me trade with one Elder Gypsy that got me 1 of the horses.

    It's like a gypsy circle, trade with gypsies to get items to trade with more gypsies to get more horseshoes to trade with more gypsies. lol

    I'm being very stupid though and not using my charms. It never seems like a good time to bust out a charm, not enough energy or regen for a turtle. I guess I should wait to trade with more adult gypsies for a while so I have enough energy to justify using a turtle.

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  Soozicle Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:03 pm

    What happened to me is I discovered the infinite gypsy loop once I completed the quests and have used it to level up several times. The adult gypsy male gifts horses, and takes silver horse shoes. The horse collection GIVES horse shoes, so you can keep doing it for every gypsy you find and never run out of horse shoes (you will of course run out of charging items). It is definitely worth suffering through but you will need to use the synthesizer to add friends and get diamonds to do it quicker.

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

    Post  dotje Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:00 pm

    I have had the quests (silver, bronze and gold shoe horses) for some time, too.
    I also had some problems collecting the stuffs needed as they didn't drop as often as nowadays (after the update).

    I realized that the only way to finish the quest is to charge 2 collections & 1 artifact. The first thing I did was trading for horses & items needed in coll# 28. Futark runes are really hard to find (I have never find it myself really) so what I tried to find is someone who has enough to trade it with your collection item. A friend helped me in getting the quest done, lucky me.

    After you finished the silver & bronze shoe horses quests, you'll need to collect gold ones. What I did was trading the shoe horses with gypsies with turtle on. That way I got enough horses to charge another set of silver ones to trade with the gypsies. Finding the gypsies are harder than getting the horses unfortunately.

    When you got all items to charge the hand of midas, you get gold shoe horses needed for the quest. I didn't use a single diamond to get them. It's social game, so go search the collections of your friends, left some tips, wake their helpers up, see if they have enough of something you need, and ask them to trade with items they might need.

    Have fun bounce

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    What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests? Empty Re: What do you miss out on if you skip the Gypsy trading & horseshoe collecting quests?

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