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    Horseshoe Quests


    Posts : 40
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    MM Name : CandyGlam

    Horseshoe Quests Empty Horseshoe Quests

    Post  candyglam Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:34 pm

    Ok, so I have three quests dealing with collecting horseshoes...I have been finding them VERY slowly. It's been about 2 weeks and I'm halfway done with two of the quests and just got started on the third (finding golden horseshoes). Is there a trick to this that I'm missing? Any way to get them faster? Thanks guys!

    Posts : 64
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    MM Name : Martino

    Horseshoe Quests Empty Horseshoe quests

    Post  Martino Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:08 am

    candyglam wrote:Ok, so I have three quests dealing with collecting horseshoes...I have been finding them VERY slowly. It's been about 2 weeks and I'm halfway done with two of the quests and just got started on the third (finding golden horseshoes). Is there a trick to this that I'm missing? Any way to get them faster? Thanks guys!

    Here is a link on the golden ones (also with tips in in for the silver ones and the order in which you best can get them; first the better ones, then use some, then the other ones).

    Silver horseshoes you can get on the 'Frisky Horse' collection. Here some tips on that:

    Bronze shoes you can get on yet another collection.

    Happy Horse/shoe - hunt!

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    Horseshoe Quests Empty Re: Horseshoe Quests

    Post  ValkyrieSB9 Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:30 pm

    candyglam wrote:Ok, so I have three quests dealing with collecting horseshoes...I have been finding them VERY slowly. It's been about 2 weeks and I'm halfway done with two of the quests and just got started on the third (finding golden horseshoes). Is there a trick to this that I'm missing? Any way to get them faster? Thanks guys!

    Try to get one set of gypsie runners. Then get a turtle and trade all silver horseshoes with gypsies. One or two times doing this you probably finished doing the silver ones.

    Posts : 97
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    Horseshoe Quests Empty Hand of Midas?

    Post  Sharbee Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:27 am

    Hi, I have a related question as I also need 30 Golden horseshoes for The Knight's Steed. (I have the steed and have done lots of gypsy trades)

    I read those useful links about the Hand of Midas quest, which will give me the required amount. But, I haven't been given this quest. I have filled and charged all the necessary other 'gold' collections too. I am lvl 52.

    Should I have had this quest by now and does it show as a new special collection set? (as you get an artifact) because I don't have it.

    Or is the Hand of Midas going to come after The Knight's Steed, forcing me to spend diamonds on the Golden Horseshoes or waiting until I am old and grey!! Correction, even older and greyer!!!

    Or should I be moaning at Customer Services!

    My other running quests are: Banana surprise, Wide belt (grr), Gardener immersed in grief (flute), B-52 cocktail and banishing vacuum robots (7/10).

    Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

    Posts : 13
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    MM Name : whereisyellow

    Horseshoe Quests Empty Re: Horseshoe Quests

    Post  whereisyellow Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:00 pm

    I don't believe there is a quest asking you to charge the Hand of Midas so there is no worry about that.

    PS I cannot guarantee there isn't though. Search for threads listing all the quests if you want to be positive.

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