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9 posters

    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts


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    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Still no fix

    Post  Trixi Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:26 pm

    According to GI the empty mystery boxes was suppose to be fixed with this last update, well as we all see that would be NO. It does seem if the percentage is less but not gone completely.
    One thing that has shown up is new tabs in the Inventory tab and the mysterious old boot now shows up, don't know what good that will do any of us. Neutral

    Posts : 969
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    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Re: FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:35 pm

    Trixi wrote:According to GI the empty mystery boxes was suppose to be fixed with this last update, well as we all see that would be NO. It does seem if the percentage is less but not gone completely.
    One thing that has shown up is new tabs in the Inventory tab and the mysterious old boot now shows up, don't know what good that will do any of us. Neutral

    I agree. It was 4 weeks between versions 1.4 and 1.5. In four weeks, the only thing that were changed:

    1. Magnet
    2. Afrosnatchin collection
    3. Tabs for inventory
    4. Friend lists recoding
    5. Wall gifts not taking from free allotment
    6. sparse St. Patrick's Day content
    7. collection charging animation

    Not for nothing, but as someone in the technology field, the first five things can, honestly, be done in a day or two. What did the developers spend the other 3.5 weeks doing? Not fixing bugs, it seems.

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    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Just happened to me

    Post  truperduper Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:47 am

    I am wondering if you may still be receiving whatever that gift is but it just doesn't announce what the gift is ps I play on the iPad pss love this site

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Re: FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:49 am

    truperduper wrote:I am wondering if you may still be receiving whatever that gift is but it just doesn't announce what the gift is ps I play on the iPad pss love this site

    That's hard to say. It's pretty hard to test too, because one would have to keep track of all his collection items and tools. I'll make a mental note to keep track of this.

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    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Re: FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:28 am

    Admin wrote:
    truperduper wrote:I am wondering if you may still be receiving whatever that gift is but it just doesn't announce what the gift is ps I play on the iPad pss love this site

    That's hard to say. It's pretty hard to test too, because one would have to keep track of all his collection items and tools. I'll make a mental note to keep track of this.

    I keep track of my coll items (spreadsheet, of course) and I've never noticed a change after receiving lots of empty gifts other than what was visible. Can't testify to the tools though. But I'm guessing it is the same.

    Posts : 969
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    Join date : 2012-03-03
    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

    FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts - Page 2 Empty Re: FIXED - Empty Mystery Gifts

    Post  Admin Tue May 15, 2012 10:56 pm

    This bug has been fixed with the latest 1.7 update. If you continue to experience this bug, please post.

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