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Cynthia RTR
11 posters

    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)


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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:13 pm

    Yes, this is a common problem.

    No, it isn't you.

    The servers/network for Mystery Manor is overloaded. You will get this from time to time, especially during weekends and other peak times. It will be this way until Game Insight updates their network infrastructure.

    For now, just keep trying, and your connection will go through.
    Cynthia RTR
    Cynthia RTR

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Thank you so much... I just got into the pirate room and was so excited... Boy my bubble was popped and I was scared to death I was doomed... !!!!

    Post  Cynthia RTR Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:40 pm

    Admin wrote:Yes, this is a common problem.

    No, it isn't you.

    The servers/network for Mystery Manor is overloaded. You will get this from time to time, especially during weekends and other peak times. It will be this way until Game Insight updates their network infrastructure.

    For now, just keep trying, and your connection will go through.

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:43 pm

    Cynthia RTR wrote:
    Admin wrote:Yes, this is a common problem.

    No, it isn't you.

    The servers/network for Mystery Manor is overloaded. You will get this from time to time, especially during weekends and other peak times. It will be this way until Game Insight updates their network infrastructure.

    For now, just keep trying, and your connection will go through.

    Cynthia, tonight's problem is different than the one that Admin mentioned back on March 4th... Go to this thread and see what people are saying about today's " no server response".

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sakura Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:43 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Cynthia RTR wrote:
    Admin wrote:Yes, this is a common problem.

    No, it isn't you.

    The servers/network for Mystery Manor is overloaded. You will get this from time to time, especially during weekends and other peak times. It will be this way until Game Insight updates their network infrastructure.

    For now, just keep trying, and your connection will go through.

    Cynthia, tonight's problem is different than the one that Admin mentioned back on March 4th... Go to this thread and see what people are saying about today's " no server response".
    Everything is back to normal now Smile

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Internet connection required for this operation

    Post  Mwah Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:48 am

    For almost 2 days now, i have not been able to connect to my wall, friends, or gifts. It keeps saying "Internet connection required for this operation." I already missed out on collecting my bonus points since i can't visit any of my friends' manors. I used to be able to connect right away after retrying whenever i get this message; but now, it seems like it just doesn't want to. I can connect to my GI profile when I click on the G! icon but that's it.
    Any suggestions? I've been waiting for an update hoping that that might correct my problem but i don't think anything is coming out soon enough. HELP!!! I'm stuck and I don't want to miss out on the Christmas quests.

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sakura Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:16 am

    I can't visit my friends or open my wall to send request because of Internet problem and it has been going on for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes i need to try many times just for visiting one friend. I don't know if this is happening to me only or other players too. Spend turtle for nothing. I Can't visit or banish either.

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  ycul Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:45 am

    Sakura wrote:I can't visit my friends or open my wall to send request because of Internet problem and it has been going on for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes i need to try many times just for visiting one friend. I don't know if this is happening to me only or other players too. Spend turtle for nothing. I Can't visit or banish either.

    Hi Sakura, I haven't been able to visit friends in many months. I always get No int conx error. Sometimes it takes multiple tries just to send out chargers or to open my wall. I eventually can. However visiting friends in a no go for me. Maybe I can get lucky once in about 50 tries. Its very random. I have posted this on my manor wall so if any one of my friends need anything they know to ask me for it. The only time it has become a real issue is when during an event like the fairy flowers I need to banish fairies and I don't have any in my manor. Its impossible for me to finish this quest and event. But my friends are helping me bit by bit by sending me bouquets. Every time there is an update I hope my issue will be fixed. Nope doesn't happen. I did ask GI about it a months ago and they suggested that I use a different internet conx than the one I normally use in my house. I do take my ipad out of the house many places. It makes no difference at all. I am just dealing with it. Hope yours clears up soon.

    Cheers, Lucy

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sakura Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:57 am

    This is weird. if GI said that it's because our Internet problem then how come I can open other web or log into mm forum? It's hard for me to collect shatter now. Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing Luc, at least I'm not alone hahahaaa.

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty No Internet connect

    Post  Savannah123 Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:15 pm

    Ugh, no Internet connection issues, anyone want play poker with all the coins we have?
    Lucy my dear, how do you stand it??

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sablesrgreat Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:27 pm

    I've gotten to where I look on this forum when I get the Internet connection message to see if its a lot of folks or just me. I haven't been able to anything today. Glad to know its not just me...tried resetting the wireless here at the house but it must be GI Evil or Very Mad

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sablesrgreat Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:38 pm

    Wouldn't it be nice if they would let us know when they were doing a planned upgrade or tune up so we know what to expect?

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  slycreations Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:44 pm

    this time the outage has been a few hours. Loaded up a turtle to go banishing snatchins and gypsies, while doing my 50 visits, but I'm totally stuck. Sad

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  Sakura Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:32 pm

    I was happy to receive an email from GI which said that they have fixed my game and yes it worked but then it's only for awhile. Quickly, I sent an email back to thank them but now I'm back to "normal" condition again with no Internet connection sign each time I visit friends Sad

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  jane.yamazaki.3 Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:51 pm

    Starting yesterday I have been unable to connect to the servers on anything like a reasonable basis. I cannot give gifts (although I can get to my message postings with perhaps 10 tries and I can see that something has been requested. So the connection is not completely gone. But when I send, it takes 15 tries to send and sometimes just won't do it at all. I have been unable to visit anyone. When I try friends, it takes maybe 15 tries to get a list. For my postings it takes maybe 10 times to get the list, but trying to send something is impossible. I can still play by myself...It really is unplayable as it is. Is there nothing I can do? I tried to delete everyone off my postings, should I start deleting friends? Does anything I do matter?

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    Game connection issue (No Internet Connection) Empty Re: Game connection issue (No Internet Connection)

    Post  skiptx Wed May 08, 2013 10:26 am

    Arrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! Getting "no server response" today. Surest way to have problems is to run a turtle. Mad

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