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    Strength..if you have it, use it !


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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Sharbee Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:00 pm

    Head on the reputation chopping block here.. affraid

    Why do I visit & see so many people on my Friends List who have clearly played the game today - by expending their Energy, responded to Wall Requests/Requested themselves, but have Full Strength still? In harsh but true terms, you haven't tipped your Friends? WHY? If you can spend the time to explore rooms & all the above, surely a quick visit to drop off tips isn't too much to ask? After all, you get free entry items, coins & xp by visiting 50 people a day! Just because the GI Reputation limit shows 51, you stop because you look good? Come on..all it takes is a quick peek at your Strength levels.

    I can understand Bankers holding back, as so many people complain about their tips, but even so, they can still wake helpers, but I am visiting Friends who are Explorers & Scientists (I am the latter) with Max Strength, but no energy!

    Even if I only play for an hour, I make sure I visit & use up my Strength by tipping my Friends Manors. It seems to replenish faster than Energy. I am always apologising for not being able to give full Tips & have used so many Dumbbells, I am Superwoman! (Dream on, Lazybones!)

    So come on People, USE THAT STRENGTH to HELP your FRIENDS! bounce

    Note: I know you can use the flower Artifact that boosts your strength replenishment, but this isn't what I am talking about, you can tell when someone is using an energy/ strength booster.

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  AllisonPJ Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:55 am

    As a banker, I don't tip unless I come across a low-level friend who still has rooms to open (and therefore might need coins). Unfortunately, I find that I can go through 50 manors and only come across one or two with helpers to wake, so my strength is almost always close to full. It's not for lack of trying, it's more lack of places to use it. Smile

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Sakura Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:37 am

    AllisonPJ wrote:As a banker, I don't tip unless I come across a low-level friend who still has rooms to open (and therefore might need coins). Unfortunately, I find that I can go through 50 manors and only come across one or two with helpers to wake, so my strength is almost always close to full. It's not for lack of trying, it's more lack of places to use it. Smile
    Same situation here. I'm a banker too and that's our faith Sad(

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Caz Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:39 am

    Sakura wrote:
    AllisonPJ wrote:As a banker, I don't tip unless I come across a low-level friend who still has rooms to open (and therefore might need coins). Unfortunately, I find that I can go through 50 manors and only come across one or two with helpers to wake, so my strength is almost always close to full. It's not for lack of trying, it's more lack of places to use it. Smile
    Same situation here. I'm a banker too and that's our faith Sad(

    Yes, same here as well. Don't assume that because we are at or near full strength we can't be bothered. I've had so much abuse, and that really is the only word for it, for tipping that it's just not worth the hassle. Always available to wake helpers though.

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Katyc Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:07 am

    Such a shame that people feel that way:(
    I appreciate ALL tips regardless of profession or level, one of my friends has made the effort to visit my manor and use their strength to try and help me. Although I'm level 175 and have all the rooms unlocked, I am saving coins to instant banish the giant werewolf which gives a silver rolling pin every time:))

    The only problem I have is that my tips aren't stacking anymore which is really annoying, if friends don't write on my wall saying they've tipped I don't even know they've tried to help as they have been tipped over. I hate to think on how many tips I've missed out on using and the wasted effort and strength of my friends:((

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Sherlock Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:57 pm

    I agree with Sharbee... On days that I am going to level up, just before I do, I always drain my strength by visiting friends and using all of it up so that when I recharge I have all of my strength back. It is surprising when you are able to max tip friends and the response that you get back from them, definitely worth it.

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Sablesrgreat Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:29 am

    I don't understand anyone being aggravated by a banker tipping their rooms! I am grateful for anyone who takes the time and strength to help. I have to keep Phoenix charms running to have enough energy to do anything so I put all the coins to use.

    The new way GI has friends appearing I have no friends currently that offer increased chances to find items so nt really liking that change, but not fair to knock bankers, not like they have a choice in profession Wink

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Demdike Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:39 pm

    I'm a banker too, boo! I always wake any helpers that I see, unless I do more than 5 I don't post on walls to say so. I don't want to put anyone under an obligation to respond lol.

    I often go on a wander around other manors mostly to banish things I don't have, so visit more than my 51.

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  paulinelhg Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:03 pm

    Demdike wrote:I'm a banker too, boo! I always wake any helpers that I see, unless I do more than 5 I don't post on walls to say so. I don't want to put anyone under an obligation to respond lol.

    I often go on a wander around other manors mostly to banish things I don't have, so visit more than my 51.

    I am a banker, Likewise, I seldom post on wall if I wake a few, and friends may not be aware that I actually visited, thus my value is not easily seen. If scientist or explorer tip rooms, you will see their names bring broadcasted each time you explore.

    personally, there's great joy in seeing a manor full of sleeping helpers, then I can wake them all up, knowing that this helps my friend more than tipping their rooms, cos some rooms are not explored due to room keys rarity!!! And rooms like Selene, brig, island, UFO, and all 4 rooms in yard can't be tipped!!!

    So if you are a banker, chin up, you have valuable Strength that can be used to help friends just like other profession cheers

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  lexp333 Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:13 am

    Pauline, I feel exactly the same way! My heart gives a little leap of joy every time I see a manor replete with sleeping helpers cheers

    OP, I have often wondered if the energy/strength usage shown is fabricated. While I was saving up to 500 friends to get the achievement, I had many friends who clearly had not played in months (0 helpers, no posts on wall, no increase in level, etc.) yet their energy levels were not always full.

    My point being, I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet, I think perhaps GI is trying to make their system look more sophisticated than it really is Razz

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    Strength..if you have it, use it ! Empty Re: Strength..if you have it, use it !

    Post  Arrowyn Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:00 pm

    I learn so much from this site! I've been making the same assumption & judgment that Sharbee mentioned. I really appreciate hearing some of the reasons that consistent full strength numbers might not mean what I assumed.

    *steps up on soapbox*
    For those of you (Bankers or not) who don't post on walls when you wake sleepers, please reconsider. I can't tell you what a thrill it is, after exhausting all my helpers & myself, to come back to the game & see everybody all awake & eager to start helping again. But -- who was it that made me so happy?! If you don't tell me (since MM doesn't), there's no "closure"! Sad All drama aside...if you've taken the time & Strength to help me, you deserve a thank you! It's not my obligation, it's just good manners. Judge Judy's looking over my shoulder again, isn't she. Pushy b****! Having said all that (& getting down from soapbox), I have to admit that if I'm in a rush & tipping & waking as fast as I can, I don't always leave a post on everybody's wall. Even if I just post "woke sleepers", that takes a lot of time! But that's not the norm. Well, being in a rush is, but not posting isn't.

    Post or not -- your personal decision. This is just my humble (or not) opinion....

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