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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!


    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:00 am

    So, I realized this by accident and don't know if it applies to everyone/everything but here is what happened...

    I charged one of the beach collections that gives you the sandwich and rods. I then went into my inventory and used all my sandwiches and all the rods without remembering that the rods completely restore strength. So, mad at myself I attempt to visit a friend that is leveled in the 100s and the game crashes ( it always crashes on me if I directly try to visit very high level friends). Upon reentering the game I see that my energy is what it once was. I go to inventory and look! My rods and sandwiches have reappeared and my strength is what it was before!

    If you make a mistake using energy charms or by charging a collection, know how to purposefully crash the game and crash it. Reenter the game and see if the correction took place.

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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Re: Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:14 pm

    Crashing the game can cause all sort of unpredictable behavior. People have also lost gifts when that happens too.

    Glad it worked in your favor alien

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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Re: Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!

    Post  Juud Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:49 pm

    I also used this trick a couple times. If you are lucky it just resets your charm and undoes banishing/trading, and if you are unlucky, it makes you lose that one item you just got, and you've been looking forever to get it.

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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty visiting high level friends.

    Post  ycul Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:39 am

    What do you mean by

    ( it always crashes on me if I directly try to visit very high level friends)

    Is this if you visit those friends directly from the friends list on the right hand side of the screen and not via other ways like from your gift wall or from comments and such ? I want understand so that i don't do this!



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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Warm10

    Post  warm10 Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:46 am

    My game is the same. It crashes sometime when I try to visit certain friends. Doesn't matter if it is from the friend list or from my wall. When it crashes I have to re boot my iPad to get the game to open again. I also have friends that I cannot visit--- game throws up message that I have no Internet. Sucks cause those are good gifting and trading friends.

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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Re: Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:00 pm

    I always have difficulty visiting friends who have over 400 friends in their list.

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    Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm! Empty Re: Reset if you use the wrong energy/strength charm!

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