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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

    UDID without connecting to PC/ iTunes (iOS)


    Posts : 97
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    Join date : 2012-07-23

    UDID without connecting to PC/ iTunes (iOS) Empty UDID without connecting to PC/ iTunes (iOS)

    Post  Sharbee Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:34 pm

    To get your device UDID without connecting your iPad to a PC/Mac/iTunes etc..and not confuse it with your serial number, as I did!

    Download either of these 2 Apps from the App Store. Both FREE & really quick.

    UDID+ by eMonster. Just gives UDID & ability to instantly copy & paste it.
    Alternatively, UDID by Harrison, LLC. gives UDID, Device user name, iOS version, capacity etc & more.

    * eMonster is so simple. It has a simple UDID Copy function that you can just paste in when sending 'that Ticket to GI'.

    Of course, there are more out there in App Store but these are the two I found most useful and problem free. Hope this saves a few headaches & precious time study

    This is not an advert! Although it does sound like it. Am I trouble for suggesting Apps? Oh well, I don't care, it took me ages to find mine to report a problem to GI so if this helps a single person, it's worth it whilst its posted! Rebel yeh!

    Posts : 97
    Points : 4607
    Reputation : 24
    Join date : 2012-07-23

    UDID without connecting to PC/ iTunes (iOS) Empty Re: UDID without connecting to PC/ iTunes (iOS)

    Post  Sharbee Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:47 pm

    And an interesting snippet of information I noticed. My Friend ID is actually made up of part of my UDID, so when GI claims not to know it...

    UDID **d21****abc****************************
    That is my Friend Code.

    I'll also add, that since Apple's iOS 5, they have barred new App Dev's from using people's UDID for Privacy violations & all current Dev's are supposed to come up with an inApp way of ID' ing people.

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:04 am