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2 posters

    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ?


    Will it help to restore ?

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    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_left0%What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_right [0%] 
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    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_left0%What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_right [0%] 
    [ 0 ]
    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_left0%What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_right [0%] 
    [ 1 ]
    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_left100%What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Bar_right [100%] 

    Total Votes: 1
    Addicted Unbanned
    Addicted Unbanned

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    MM Name : HandyKiev

    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Empty What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ?

    Post  Addicted Unbanned Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:01 am

    I got banned on one iPad for not doing something wrong. Game is mistery manor on ipad2 with 3G no travel involved, no play with time.

    i found udid faker in cydia on my old jailbroken device.

    i have re-started to play from scratch now without connection to facebook. careful !
    this is where spam comes from with fake propositions to buy diamonds with some fake likes of something.

    Trolling page is a trap that looks exactly the same with maybe one letter difference.
    It is fishing fake.

    So, I guess now I can transfer my game to banned iPad from unbanned iPad ? Has anyone tried it ? What were the results ?

    Maybe I should have don't it right before they wanted to ban me ? What do you think ?

    Smart wise opinions and advices only please !

    My fiend code is on the right hand side.
    If they ban me again - fak it, I won't buy new device to strath from zero.
    Maybe apple pay them if they prove new sale was made by ban in this game ?

    Posts : 311
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    Join date : 2013-01-13
    Location : USA
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    MM Name : Knitwit

    What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ? Empty Re: What if change udid on my old banned iPad to new one where I have level Xx ?

    Post  Poppy Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:31 am

    Did you ever get your game back? It sounds like you deserve to get to back. I have heard of others who have done it.

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 10, 2024 8:51 pm