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    Sweet foundation


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    Sweet foundation Empty Sweet foundation

    Post  llisamisa Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:16 pm

    This is the only quest I have for this. I do not have more than 2 of the 10 for each item needed. Did I miss something or is it just harder for a lvl40?

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    Sweet foundation Empty Re: Sweet foundation

    Post  rab Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:01 pm

    I dont think it is level dependent, it just takes a lot of time. First you need to get the flour banisher to drop instead of the paper or the horn. Then you need to collect enough for the cake but the item drops are random and cannot be traded. Just the first layer of the cake requires 10 of five different items but drops include far more than just those five items ( closer to 15-20 possible drops).

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    Sweet foundation Empty Re: Sweet foundation

    Post  llisamisa Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:27 pm

    rabrown wrote:I dont think it is level dependent, it just takes a lot of time. First you need to get the flour banisher to drop instead of the paper or the horn. Then you need to collect enough for the cake but the item drops are random and cannot be traded. Just the first layer of the cake requires 10 of five different items but drops include far more than just those five items ( closer to 15-20 possible drops).

    Thanks, I get a lots of music sheets and wine horns, but I don't even have the party planner yet...saving the notes should I get the quest for them

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    Sweet foundation Empty Re: Sweet foundation

    Post  Kimmyg Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:45 am

    The items for the first layer of cake are no longer dropping for me..... I haven't yet completed the first layer. Is this happening to anyone else?

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    Sweet foundation Empty Re: Sweet foundation

    Post  rab Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:54 am

    They were dropping for me a few hours ago whenI last tried

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    Sweet foundation Empty Re: Sweet foundation

    Post  Demdike Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:03 pm

    They start to dry up the closer you get to finishing Mad
    xx Vix xx
    xx Vix xx

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    Sweet foundation Empty Tip :0)

    Post  xx Vix xx Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:38 am

    Demdike wrote:They start to dry up the closer you get to finishing Mad

    If you can resist the temptation, dont upgrade until you have the 15 of each for level 2, and the 18 of each for level 3.
    Another thing I noticed was if you store boulters until you have 5 or more, then trade with the cook (turtle running) five times one after another, you get a better exchange. If you trade each one as you find it, you tend to get more chargers than collection items!

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