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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    Snatchin Guitarist


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    MM Name : Glinda

    Snatchin Guitarist Empty Snatchin Guitarist

    Post  Glinda3260 Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:14 pm

    Does anyone have any tips for getting the Snatchin Guitarist? I am bored silly exploring the library with turtle, tips, help from friends. It's driving me nuts now!!!!

    Posts : 87
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    MM Name : XYZ

    Snatchin Guitarist Empty Re: Snatchin Guitarist

    Post  someoneXYZ Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:45 am

    Glinda3260 wrote:Does anyone have any tips for getting the Snatchin Guitarist? I am bored silly exploring the library with turtle, tips, help from friends. It's driving me nuts now!!!!

    My experience: turtle + find item artifact
    scroll the list to check the Guitarist appear or not (not always appear), if it appear try + explorer helper but still not 100% get it.

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2013-02-03
    Age : 64
    Location : Warwickshire
    Friend Code : 0fa054
    MM Name : Glinda

    Snatchin Guitarist Empty Re: Snatchin Guitarist

    Post  Glinda3260 Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:15 am

    Thanks......I was already doing all those things....I got there in the end but it took forever!!

    Posts : 64
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    MM Name : Martino

    Snatchin Guitarist Empty Re: Snatchin Guitarist

    Post  Martino Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:13 am

    Glinda3260 wrote:Thanks......I was already doing all those things....I got there in the end but it took forever!!

    It's not very clear from the text in the quest, but the only chance you get the gitarist is when the library is in the silouette mode. If you look and scroll to the end of the items you can find it's the last one, but only when silouette mode is on.
    PS it took me i think 5 times silouette before it dropped (always with the 90% turtle on). However, it seemed that sillouette was much more difficult to get than otherwise (i had to finish much much more night- and word-modes than 5).

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