I just took advantage of the Leprechaun discount offer to get 3 times what you buy for the same price. The offer included a chest with your purchase (5 copies of each item). I got a Collector's Casket which contained 4 more caskets, each containing 5 copies of each charger. When I opened the caskets, all the items were piled on top of each other (you know how that looks) & I couldn't see exactly what I got. This is what I think I got, but there are gaps. I'd appreciate it if someone could fill in the gaps or correct what I think I got. Thank you for any help.
Novice Collector's Casket:
- Schrodinger Jewelry Box
- Klein Bottle
- Schrodinger Box
- Möbius Band
- ??
Experienced Collector's Casket:
- ?? Some kind of key
- Messing's Watch
- Morgana's Mask
- Sushi Chopsticks
- ??
Rarity Collector's Casket:
- Basket for Flowers
- Garlic
- Apotropaic Charm
- Silver Bullet
- Pruners
Brave Collector's Casket:
- Glacial Knout
- Snow Star
- Necromancer's Rosary (I think)
- ??
Novice Collector's Casket:
- Schrodinger Jewelry Box
- Klein Bottle
- Schrodinger Box
- Möbius Band
- ??
Experienced Collector's Casket:
- ?? Some kind of key
- Messing's Watch
- Morgana's Mask
- Sushi Chopsticks
- ??
Rarity Collector's Casket:
- Basket for Flowers
- Garlic
- Apotropaic Charm
- Silver Bullet
- Pruners
Brave Collector's Casket:
- Glacial Knout
- Snow Star
- Necromancer's Rosary (I think)
- ??