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    why can't I send collection item?


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    why can't I send collection item? Empty why can't I send collection item?

    Post  vidgeon Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:55 am

    I wanted to send a friend plateful of fruit from the anniversary cake collection but none of these items have the option to send available.

    Why is that? and is there any way round it?

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    why can't I send collection item? Empty Re: why can't I send collection item?

    Post  Abemom2 Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:00 am

    You cannot gift any of the cake items. Never has been an option. There is no way around it. Only way to get cake built is to get flour bolters and trade with cook for items, or buy them.

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    why can't I send collection item? Empty Re: why can't I send collection item?

    Post  vidgeon Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:36 am

    oh ok ... thanks. at least I know its not just me then.

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    why can't I send collection item? Empty Re: why can't I send collection item?

    Post  zin Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:28 pm

    You can't gift any of the collection items which can be bought for diamonds, some can be added to the wish list though e.g. Robots or Einstein wheel

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    why can't I send collection item? Empty Re: why can't I send collection item?

    Post  lexp333 Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:13 pm

    zin wrote:You can't gift any of the collection items which can be bought for diamonds, some can be added to the wish list though e.g. Robots or Einstein wheel
    Not quiiiiiite true, I think you can gift the pirates? (Tiger Lee, Somali pirate, etc.) Or at least I know you can add them to your WL...can anyone verify if you can gift them at will?

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