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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

    Bogus Posts and PM's


    Posts : 116
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    Reputation : 121
    Join date : 2012-05-02
    Age : 55
    Location : North Carolina
    Friend Code : By Inv
    MM Name : Private

    Bogus Posts and PM's Empty Bogus Posts and PM's

    Post  Skyler Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:10 am

    Recently there has been some Bogus forum posts and PM's. These are usually from a new user phishing or trolling for information or advertising a website, email address or other things not pertaining to MM. If you are doing this, I kindly ask you to stop. If you have received any PM's that solicit info or ask you to privately email or visit a website, do not respond unless you are absolutely sure the person is a legitimate contact/friend of yours and even then I would proceed with caution.

    If you see a forum post that has nothing to do with MM or is offensive or off-topic, please bring it to my attention so that I may review it. As for PM's, I cannot delete others PM's nor would I want that power as it circumvents the idea of a PM. I merely suggest you delete unwanted PM's as you get them. I have gotten the same PM's recently as many of you have. You may contact me regarding the PM's but keep in mind that I cannot keep them from happening, I can merely advise you of the above mentioned advice regarding your personal information and safety.

    Thank you

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:05 pm