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    Does charging collections reduce number of quests?


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    Does charging collections reduce number of quests? Empty Does charging collections reduce number of quests?

    Post  Lynne1000 Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:58 pm

    I am very lucky in that I have high level friends who gift me everything on my wish list which means I can complete collections quite quickly. I have a feeling though that I may be missing quests appearing. Example all rooms are open but I cannot explore last four rooms without buying the items to enable me to explore them and I see a few quests mentioned that haven't shown yet for example printing roller. I have charged all collections right up to at least number 80 so I wonder if I will need to collect the items again to make sure I don't miss out on quests?

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    Does charging collections reduce number of quests? Empty Re: Does charging collections reduce number of quests?

    Post  pianofingers Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:59 pm

    Don't worry, the quests will appear Very Happy And if you already have the item that was requested, the quest will complete right away, and a popup window will give you the award/s. Then the next quest appears immediately. It sometimes happens one after another, a whole string of quests that just auto-complete. Nothing to worry about, stocking up on collection items before they're needed.

    The only drawback is, a string of quests are completed one after another and make you level up so fast, before you've even had a chance to use up all your energy. That's the only bummer. But otherwise, it's cool. cheers

    Posts : 262
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    Does charging collections reduce number of quests? Empty Re: Does charging collections reduce number of quests?

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:04 am

    Oh sorry, I missed the other half of your question. It's better not to charge the collections until you need to -- because some quests require the items individually and not as a collection. So you'll have to find those items or ask for them again. But nope, it won't reduce the number of quests.

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