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    Experience Points Per Level ?


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    Experience Points Per Level ? Empty Experience Points Per Level ?

    Post  sjblencoe Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:25 pm

    Does anyone know how much experience is needed to advance levels ? Is it constant or as you get to the higher levers do you need more experience to advance ?
    I haven't been taking much notice until now but it seems I be getting harder to advance through levels now.
    I know the next level target score is always displayed but as I said, I haven't been taking much notice until now.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Experience Points Per Level ? Empty Re: Experience Points Per Level ?

    Post  pianofingers Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:30 pm

    The orange bar below your name will tell you how much experience points are needed to get to the next level. The first number is your current experience points, and the second number is the target experience points to level up. When the orange bar is almost full, you're nearly there.

    I usually take out a calculator to compute for the difference between my current exp points & the target exp points, so I know exactly how much I need. I don't want to charge Heart of Africa, for instance, when the orange bar is nearly full because it will level me up instantly and I waste whatever energy I still had.

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    Experience Points Per Level ? Empty Re: Experience Points Per Level ?

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:28 am

    pianofingers wrote:The orange bar below your name will tell you how much experience points are needed to get to the next level. The first number is your current experience points, and the second number is the target experience points to level up. When the orange bar is almost full, you're nearly there.

    I usually take out a calculator to compute for the difference between my current exp points & the target exp points, so I know exactly how much I need. I don't want to charge Heart of Africa, for instance, when the orange bar is nearly full because it will level me up instantly and I waste whatever energy I still had.

    Since you've been calculating the difference between starting exp and end there a pattern as to how much has to be earned before leveling up? I know with strength I got to a point where the difference is 100. It has stayed at that Requirement from at least level 25 to level 37.

    When I finally think about figuring how much exp is neede to level up, I've already added exp from exploring. I know it is at least 7500 though.

    Posts : 262
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    Experience Points Per Level ? Empty Re: Experience Points Per Level ?

    Post  pianofingers Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:03 am

    Yes the reputation difference to the next level is pegged at 100 until you reach a reputation of 51, and then there is no more target.

    As for experience, the difference increases with every level, at first ranging from hundreds to thousands and later tens of thousands. It might seem harder to level up as you get to the higher levels, but it just evens out, because you get more charms, more energy, more experience points when exploring rooms, and bigger rewards for the advanced collections. You earn more weapons and earn points for banishing creatures, and as your reputation increases also, you get more points for visiting friends.

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