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    experience points collecting cycle

    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    experience points collecting cycle Empty experience points collecting cycle

    Post  mlle. scarlett Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:25 pm

    Not sure if this is the right spot for this question: I still haven't figured out exactly how the cycle goes for collecting experience points when visiting friends. Does the new 24 hour cycle begin when you collect your first points? Last? For example if the banner which pops up on my friends face which indicates I can pick up points appears at 6 p.m., you'd think it would happen at 6 p.m. the next day. It doesn't. It is often at least an hour later than I expect it to be. Since I time the use of turtles and collecting those points to leveling up, this makes a big difference to me.

    My cycle doesn't seem to be coordinated with the cycle for giving gifts or for receiving the 500 daily points either.

    Anyone else noticed this?

    Posts : 20
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    experience points collecting cycle Empty Re: experience points collecting cycle

    Post  Connie-pia Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:38 pm

    My " reset" time is different every day...probably because I don't do/play the same time each day.

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    experience points collecting cycle Empty Re: experience points collecting cycle

    Post  engineer Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:43 am

    mlle. scarlett wrote:Not sure if this is the right spot for this question: I still haven't figured out exactly how the cycle goes for collecting experience points when visiting friends. Does the new 24 hour cycle begin when you collect your first points? Last? For example if the banner which pops up on my friends face which indicates I can pick up points appears at 6 p.m., you'd think it would happen at 6 p.m. the next day. It doesn't. It is often at least an hour later than I expect it to be. Since I time the use of turtles and collecting those points to leveling up, this makes a big difference to me.

    My cycle doesn't seem to be coordinated with the cycle for giving gifts or for receiving the 500 daily points either.

    Anyone else noticed this?
    Yes, I've noticed it to, and it drives me up a wall. I think this is also a little "game" GI is playing with us. What I've noticed is that I don't get the 500 daily coins at the proper time unless I close down the app and restart it, rather than just having it open on my iPad when I open the cover. It also drives me MAD that the daily reset of visiting friends and getting the 50 coins doesn't correspond to the daily reset of asking friends for gifts!! And with the latest update that made all of the friends show up in the gifting window without being able to ask them for anything, I'm about ready to give up!!

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    MM Name : Hill

    experience points collecting cycle Empty Re: experience points collecting cycle

    Post  Hilly Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:09 am

    An, I've been wondering about the friends visit bonuses as well. It seems to be very spasmodic atm and I could have sworn it was the same time every day before. I quit properly most of the time mainly because it crashes the iPad every 5 to 10 mins Sad

    experience points collecting cycle Empty Re: experience points collecting cycle

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:18 am

    mlle. scarlett wrote:Not sure if this is the right spot for this question: I still haven't figured out exactly how the cycle goes for collecting experience points when visiting friends. Does the new 24 hour cycle begin when you collect your first points? Last? For example if the banner which pops up on my friends face which indicates I can pick up points appears at 6 p.m., you'd think it would happen at 6 p.m. the next day. It doesn't. It is often at least an hour later than I expect it to be. Since I time the use of turtles and collecting those points to leveling up, this makes a big difference to me.

    My cycle doesn't seem to be coordinated with the cycle for giving gifts or for receiving the 500 daily points either.

    Anyone else noticed this?

    Questions and answers is the correct spot to ask a question and hope for an answer! Very Happy

    As far as I can tell it is 24 hours from when you get your first visiting bonus. It seems to me that everything runs on its own 24 hour loop. So asking for gifts, visiting friends, faithful heart, and gifting will all reset at different times.

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