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3 posters

    Should I start again?


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    MM Name : Lynne

    Should I start again? Empty Should I start again?

    Post  Lynne1000 Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:04 pm

    I have reached level 73 and have all rooms open. I no longer have any quests to do so find myself just aimlessly exploring rooms. All rooms are at expert level. I have over a million coins.

    From what I understand from friends, there are no further quests apart from the "news items" ones which are often almost impossible to charge because of level needed etc.

    Having learnt so much about how to play I think I'd like to delete the app altogether and start afresh knowing what I know now.

    I just wonder if I would be blocked somehow by registration or email address or something daft like that and then find I've deleted the game and not be able to start again.

    I love playing the game but am finding it now to be very repetitive with nothing to,aim for.

    Does anyone know anything different? How do we know if we have completed all quests? Emerald quest is done. I have emailed support for a list of quests but.............nothing


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    Should I start again? Empty Re: Should I start again?

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:26 pm

    Hi there. This is my opinion:
    I feel that there are a few 'end-games' and my thoughts on them

    1. Finish all the quests

    Seems like you have done this already. There will be new quests with each update and seasonal quests as well.

    2. Have a full collection

    You did not state if you have a full collection or not. If not, that's another goal.

    3. Be able to gift every free gift item

    Each time I hit a level that allows me to gift an item for free, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps you can try this too (which would require you to reach level 199 or unlock level 99/199 gift items)

    4. Be ranked #1 on the Rating lists

    This is impossible with how some players cheat the system. Not even worth trying for.

    5. Discover all the 'secrets' of the game

    There are a lot of things that are not fully explained. It is fun to try to figure them out.

    And, of course, there is always the purpose of playing to help out others.

    I feel that if you were to start over, you'll likely lose interest completely.

    Just so that you know - when I first started, I played for about 2 days, then deleted the app, reinstalled it, and started as a new player. I did not have to do anything to 'forget' the old player.

    Posts : 262
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    Join date : 2012-04-05

    Should I start again? Empty Re: Should I start again?

    Post  pianofingers Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:15 pm

    There are many other players who are done with their quests and have complained to GI about it, so I have a feeling that they'll be rolling out new quests soon, in the next update. They're already in the Facebook version, with additional rooms such as the Crypt, Vampire's Lair, Pirate Room, Bunker, Animatorium, Pyramid and Basement. All they have to do is port it over to the iOS. You might just want to wait for those.

    In the meantime, check out Gardens of Time, and also Tribez. Some Mystery Manor players are having a lot of fun with those games.

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