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    If I could program the game...


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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  Soozicle Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:24 pm

    When I visit a friend I'd like to see their recent activit history... Like what gifts they've sent you. I literally spent all day Monday visiting ALL my friends to see who was out of date (those are all deleted now), and write down basic stats for each one so I could trim my list down to the players who contribute at least close to what I do. I'm now using that list to track who I get gifts from. Once I have a better overview of who has what friend activities, or find those who only play the rooms, I'll start fairly trimming. If we could see some of that info in their manor, that would be AWESOME!

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:36 am

    If I could program the game, I would put more clothes on everyone. It must be eternal summer in Mystery Manor land.

    (On second thought, I like it the way it is Very Happy )

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Scary and sexy always go together!

    Post  summerville Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:01 pm

    Admin wrote:If I could program the game, I would put more clothes on everyone. It must be eternal summer in Mystery Manor land.

    (On second thought, I like it the way it is Very Happy )

    I never gave it a second thought that all the ladies are looking like Victoria secret models! But you cracked me up, thx!

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  DebbyM Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:24 am

    I wish there was a confirmation pop up when you are about to spend diamonds. These accidental clicks when I want to request a gift from a friend are killing me!

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  LaVentosa Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:28 pm

    I like the "artwork" Wink I just thought it always strange that the "gardener" showes her boobs tht way - It certanly fits with the succubi ;=)

    I would also put in a few more avatars - Four male & four female really aren't that many for hundreds of friends one has...

    I know I repeat myself, but - in the last week the missing scrollbar drove me nuts. How am I to quickly check on something in the collections when I have to scroll EVERY time the over hundred collections? Evil or Very Mad

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  pianofingers Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:17 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:How am I to quickly check on something in the collections when I have to scroll EVERY time the over hundred collections? Evil or Very Mad

    Shortcut to the bottom collections: if you have an alien (octopus, tripod, etc) floating in your manor, tap on it. Select one of the findable items shown in its window, and tap "go to collection".

    If you don't have an alien, tap on your UFO room (assuming you already have it open). Select one of the findable items shown in the window, and tap "go to collection".

    Err yeah it's not really a shortcut since it requires more taps, but it saves a bit more time, and I prefer tapping to scrolling. Smile

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  LaVentosa Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:47 pm

    pianofingers wrote:Err yeah it's not really a shortcut since it requires more taps, but it saves a bit more time, and I prefer tapping to scrolling. Smile
    ab-so-lutely! Thanks for sharing!! Smile

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:09 pm

    pianofingers wrote:
    LaVentosa wrote:How am I to quickly check on something in the collections when I have to scroll EVERY time the over hundred collections? Evil or Very Mad

    Shortcut to the bottom collections: if you have an alien (octopus, tripod, etc) floating in your manor, tap on it. Select one of the findable items shown in its window, and tap "go to collection".

    If you don't have an alien, tap on your UFO room (assuming you already have it open). Select one of the findable items shown in the window, and tap "go to collection".

    Err yeah it's not really a shortcut since it requires more taps, but it saves a bit more time, and I prefer tapping to scrolling. Smile

    This is now on the Guide page as well....credited you for my post. :-) thanks!!:-)

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  Soozicle Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:45 pm

    I get so aggravated sometimes waiting for one floater monster or helper to get out from under another so I can use it, or trying to get into a room that everybody's piled on top of. The graphics are fairly streamlined already but there are ways you could eek out a little more room so those things could have their own static place on the screen, especially with regard to the floorplan.

    A sortable/searchable list would be ideal, but I'd be happy if the friend list was just in the same order as the gifting/visit order. It's super frustrating when trying to make sure to visit everybody at least once a week that I bump into someone whose game is out of date and have to go to the gifting list to figure out who comes after them to resume.

    Speaking of... their version releases are not very well planned. They should save anything that will cause version compatibility issus for the next large numbered release (like v2.0) and not interrupt game play for everyone every week or two with things like a piddly little text fix, or at least wait longer between updates and bundle more updates in at a time.

    Gifting console needs to have the level required to buy on the graphic for those restricted items (super easy fix). I'm constantly getting requests for things I can't gift, and sometimes I accidentally send them.

    Hmmm what else... aside for my request for more stats on the friend's manor... last active date is great but so is recent gift history. I wonder if they can figure out a way to keep my cat from sleeping on my iPad (or walking on it, he keeps trying to buy things)?! LOL


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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Annoyed...

    Post  jesskerz Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:13 pm

    Heheh! This is an awesome topic cuz I could vent here! I've been venting on my poor Friends walls...
    Ya I get so sick of looking for a certain friend, or monster! Another annoying thing is the new quests, why the heck do we need to charge it FOUR times to get a diploma!! I mean it takes a zillion branches and all to finish! Sorry guys but I'm so annoyed with the game now! And I have no one to vent to but my dog and I'd like to keep my dogs sanity :p
    Oh and to top it all off, my skulls disappeared Shocked confused scratch
    I hate loving this game...

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    If I could program the game... - Page 2 Empty Re: If I could program the game...

    Post  jill4444 Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:45 pm

    Posted this in another forum ( and someone pointed me here. Just wanted to list my suggestions as well Smile

    Wouldn't it be awesome if:
    1) GI got rid of the gift sent modal?
    2) You could visit players on the rating boards & easily navigate to the next person on the board without going back to your manor?
    3) When requesting gifts that require a certain level the system filtered your friends list & only showed those friends with a high enough level to request gift for ?
    4) List friends alphabetically
    5) Provide a search function so we can search for a specific friend or friends that are of a certain level
    6) Assuming #5 is done, also provide ability to request from all friends at once (rather than 1 at a time).
    7) Bringing back MG of course!

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