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12 posters

    Guide: Banishing Manor Roamers (what it requires and rewards)


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    Guide:  Banishing Manor Roamers (what it requires and rewards)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Guide: Banishing Manor Roamers (what it requires and rewards)

    Post  yvonne961 Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:30 pm

    engineer wrote:
    yvonne961 wrote:good day seniors, Smile
    may i ask is there a way to get lots of weapons(those against the regular snatchin), other than the diamond-paying chest in the shop? cos i had been attacking them for the achievement during the turtle interval, and it drops amazing objects!
    (maybe it's region difference? i'm playing on japan platform version)
    for example,
    snow-doll: copper and silver horse shoe, medicines, blue power ball
    twist-ear: copper and silver horse shoe, sword(collection Hero's Armor), blue power ball(i BOUGHT them!ugh!)
    robber: shield(collection Hero's Armor),
    not to mention the craberry pie,figurines, other collection items and some high-level chargers!(by the way, the item 'firework' must be given from a friend?) and i got one duct tape(<-if u also know how to get this w/o diamonds also appreciated) during it!
    i haven't gone on to bother the book-loving and other sort snatchins yet~
    Ummm, are you playing the iPad or the Facebook version? If you are on the iPad, I've never heard of some of those items before, so there definitely is a difference in the games, and I don't have an answer for you Sad

    sorry for the rough translation, medicine = It's Hard In The Treatment items
    blue power ball = Weight owww so i think this thhere's a change of circumstances
    knew this game about 2 weeks ago in the Yahoo Game page, it's really new here(lv35 and found only the bunker), from the net notes i only gathered that snatchin weapons can be acquired from achievement reward or Green Fiddle collection.
    but i do hope to get more turtles out of the 'Snatchin's Armory', since it seems the most accessible way to a newbie to level up

    Posts : 284
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    Guide:  Banishing Manor Roamers (what it requires and rewards)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Guide: Banishing Manor Roamers (what it requires and rewards)

    Post  engineer Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:16 pm

    yvonne961 wrote:

    sorry for the rough translation, medicine = It's Hard In The Treatment items
    blue power ball = Weight owww so i think this thhere's a change of circumstances
    knew this game about 2 weeks ago in the Yahoo Game page, it's really new here(lv35 and found only the bunker), from the net notes i only gathered that snatchin weapons can be acquired from achievement reward or Green Fiddle collection.
    but i do hope to get more turtles out of the 'Snatchin's Armory', since it seems the most accessible way to a newbie to level up
    Yeah, we're talking about 2 different games. Sorry I can't provide any insight.

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