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    Charm for banishing creatures, etc


    Posts : 44
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    MM Name : BittyBrain

    Charm for banishing creatures, etc Empty Charm for banishing creatures, etc

    Post  BittyBrain Fri May 11, 2012 2:39 am

    Does any other charm, like the golden lucky clover, help with getting items when you banish creatures? Or is it just the turtle?

    Posts : 363
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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    Charm for banishing creatures, etc Empty Re: Charm for banishing creatures, etc

    Post  LaVentosa Fri May 11, 2012 4:58 am

    BittyBrain wrote:Does any other charm, like the golden lucky clover, help with getting items when you banish creatures? Or is it just the turtle?
    I know only of the turtle to do that, the clovers seem to help only while searching.
    You might keep a track of Mbstr8k's charm guide thread, though...

    Posts : 44
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    Join date : 2012-04-19
    Friend Code : 8a7695
    MM Name : BittyBrain

    Charm for banishing creatures, etc Empty Re: Charm for banishing creatures, etc

    Post  BittyBrain Fri May 11, 2012 5:19 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    BittyBrain wrote:Does any other charm, like the golden lucky clover, help with getting items when you banish creatures? Or is it just the turtle?
    I know only of the turtle to do that, the clovers seem to help only while searching.
    You might keep a track of Mbstr8k's charm guide thread, though...

    Thanks--that's a great list.

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    Charm for banishing creatures, etc Empty Re: Charm for banishing creatures, etc

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