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    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds


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    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds Empty NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds

    Post  Jae Sat May 12, 2012 1:00 pm

    My game crashed a few days ago and when I brought it back up, saw that 150+ diamonds were missing Sad

    I wrote support & included screen shots, explained what happened & requested the diamonds please be replaced.

    Yet all Lily responded with was that the game doesn't have the ability to remove them from our account.

    They're still missing Sad

    Any suggestions?


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    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds Empty Re: NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds

    Post  Admin Sat May 12, 2012 11:23 pm

    Unfortunately, I doubt you will get any help from Lily in this case.

    In the majority of these cases, the diamonds are spent unknowingly. There are simply so many places to spend diamonds that sometimes you are spending diamonds without realizing it.

    One time, I was banishing Snatchins, and did not realize I did not have the banishing item. I spend about 50 diamonds before I realized what I was doing.

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    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds Empty Re: NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds

    Post  pianofingers Sat May 12, 2012 11:43 pm

    Same here, some diamonds went missing, but I finally found out where I spent it by accident. When MM starts up, there's a Shop window that sometimes greets you, right? Well, while MM is loading and all those screens appear (the magician, the scientist, the fortune teller) and sometimes you tend to tap tap tap to speed up loading but nothing happens. Actually something does happen - you're already tapping and buying stuff in the Shop. I bought those gold Cupid hearts by accident, two whole sets of them, on 2 separate instances, until I realized that my impatient tapping was actually buying stuff from the Shop and spending diamonds by mistake. So now, I try to be more patient when MM is loading and don't tap around the screen anymore.

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    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds Empty Re: NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds

    Post  Jae Tue May 22, 2012 1:32 pm

    Thanks for your input ~
    I looked through my inventory and didn't find unusual quantities of anything.

    I'm still pretty convinced that w the game crashing, it deleted diamonds during the process.
    (Thankfully, I hadn't paid $ but collected them via the FCS)

    Ah, c'est la vie - and thank you, rainkid, for your invention!

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds Empty Re: NOT A BUG - Disappearing Diamonds

    Post  Admin Wed May 23, 2012 1:02 am

    Easy come, easy go... (not that they should be going without you knowing!)

    Glad to be of your service. Very Happy

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