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2 posters

    Disappearing Quests?


    Posts : 20
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    Join date : 2012-08-06
    Location : United States
    Friend Code : 57daf6
    MM Name : xmilokittyx

    Disappearing Quests? Empty Disappearing Quests?

    Post  xmilokittyx Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:49 pm

    With the disabling of friend codes this month, I've noticed a few things "disappear."

    First of all, it appears all of the pending friend requests I had that were from entering friend codes disappeared. I get that, but that same day, I had 8 quests in progress. The next time I logged in, 4 of the quests were gone. They've never re-appeared, even though I've completed the remaining quests, and others that dropped after that...

    Has anyone experienced this?

    Posts : 48
    Points : 4629
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2012-04-11
    Friend Code : AskPlz

    Disappearing Quests? Empty Re: Disappearing Quests?

    Post  Jae Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:22 pm

    xmilokittyx wrote:With the disabling of friend codes this month, I've noticed a few things "disappear."

    First of all, it appears all of the pending friend requests I had that were from entering friend codes disappeared. I get that, but that same day, I had 8 quests in progress. The next time I logged in, 4 of the quests were gone. They've never re-appeared, even though I've completed the remaining quests, and others that dropped after that...

    Has anyone experienced this?

    The zombie and monster quests disappeared with the full moon, if those are the ones you're referring to.

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:39 am