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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    Quests completed.

    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

    Posts : 309
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    MM Name : Dazza JP

    Quests completed. Empty Quests completed.

    Post  Dazza JP Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:02 am

    Hi all,

    I am currently awaiting the emerald to drop which is my last remaining quest, looking on my achievements, its says I have 352/1000 quests completed. How many quests have others on here completed, I joined after the christmas and st patricks day quests, so I was wondering what the maximum number people could get to ??

    Posts : 233
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    Location : Indonesia and N.C. USA
    MM Name : ycul

    Quests completed. Empty Re: Quests completed.

    Post  ycul Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:53 am

    I have completed 392 and I joined sometime end of March I think. I don't remember the leprechaun event so it must have been over.

    Posts : 262
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    Quests completed. Empty Re: Quests completed.

    Post  pianofingers Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:59 am

    I joined after Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day too. I was able to complete the Easter quests and the Beach quests. After the Neptune and Emerald, you'll get several Oceanic quests, then a lot of pirate brig-related quests, from collecting the blueprints to getting the parts, building the ship, and finally exploring it. Now I'm out of quests, and my total quests on my Achievements is 390.

    EDIT: Oops I don't think I completed the Easter quests. I was one of those who lost the Easter news event, so GI sent me a code which gave me the Faberge egg. However, I don't think my Easter quests were marked as completed, they just went away when I got the Faberge egg.

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