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    No Quests. What To Do?


    No Quests. What To Do? Empty No Quests. What To Do?

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:15 pm

    Please post ideas of how to keep busy?

    1) No quests remaining
    2) Working on all rooms max expert - only 7 left
    3) Acheivements - Most aren't worth trying to complete anymore
    4) Collections - Most charged several times

    What else could be done to keep busy?
    Same situation? Post how you compare (:

    Posts : 284
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    No Quests. What To Do? Empty Re: No Quests. What To Do?

    Post  engineer Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:42 pm

    Brad5868 wrote:Please post ideas of how to keep busy?

    1) No quests remaining
    2) Working on all rooms max expert - only 7 left
    3) Acheivements - Most aren't worth trying to complete anymore
    4) Collections - Most charged several times

    What else could be done to keep busy?
    Same situation? Post how you compare (:

    I just opened the pirate brig, so I'm working on that room now, even though I've finished it's quests. I'm at expert level on all other rooms, although I'm not at 100% Expert on the "pay to enter" rooms.

    I'm working on the achievements though, and those seem to be enough for me for now. I do the "failed room" one when I need something mindless, and I look through friends' manors for the 500 Thieving Snatchins and the 300 Old Gypsy Women.

    I also worked towards level 99 so that I could gift things to friends, but now there's no other large hurdles that aren't extremely far away (lvl 199...).

    I don't know, if there's nothing to do and you're bored, just don't play any more!

    Posts : 969
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    No Quests. What To Do? Empty Re: No Quests. What To Do?

    Post  Admin Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:24 pm

    I agree with Engineer, but to a lesser extent.

    Play less.

    How much you play corresponds with how much there is left to do in the game. There is no reason to play as much if there is not much for you to do any more. In other words - playing should not be a chore.

    Personally, I've been playing less too, but for a few different reasons:
    - I don't have much to do (still trying to get phenomenon in Bathroom for Neptune)
    - Busy with work

    I know that the more I play, the less I would have to play later, so I'm going at a good pace now.

    Very Happy

    No Quests. What To Do? Empty Re: No Quests. What To Do?

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:41 pm

    I only play once a day in the morning, and I check in at night just to send gifts. Guess I'll find a temp replacement until new features are added

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