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    Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt


    Posts : 43
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    Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt Empty Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt

    Post  Annie Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:54 am

    Sad but true, for the past few weeks, visiting friends is next to impossible. It either takes a very long time to visit a room (so long, that I start doing something else while waiting) or my game crashes when I visit certain friends. For me, I enjoyed visiting friends and leaving tips and gifts more than searching rooms.

    This slow down happened after an update a week or so ago. I have an iPad 2. Any suggestions? Is this a bug that might possibly get fixed, or is this the new reality for MM? Whatever they've done, it hasn't been good for me Crying or Very sad

    Posts : 13
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    Join date : 2012-07-03
    Location : Portsmouth, UK
    Friend Code : ce96f2
    MM Name : Griff

    Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt Empty Re: Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt

    Post  Griff Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:12 pm

    If you've not already done so, update to the latest version (as of today - 03/07/12).
    This seems to fix the slow loading time when visiting friends and allows you to eat cake again! Plus there are more quests.
    Unfortunately you still can only visit manors where others have updated too, which is irritating.
    I'm you've already updated by now, but if you haven't, I hope this helps!

    Posts : 43
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    Join date : 2012-03-15
    Friend Code : 1f78c5

    Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt Empty Re: Updates bringing game play to a screeching halt

    Post  Annie Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:02 pm

    Thanks. Ths new update has been great!

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