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Dazza JP
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    IPAD - Wifi only version

    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Dazza JP Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:45 am


    Any other players playing the game on an IPAD with just the wifi access ??

    I spend most of my time playing the game offline and then just connect throughout the day to gift, visit etc...

    Are there any benefits/issues with playing this way do you think ??

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Savannah123 Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:02 am

    I play with just Wifi and it works both online and off. My husband has IPad2 also and has Wifi and 3G, the Wifi went down and the 3G kicked in, then a message from GI saying "you have cheated and have used an accelerator, first warning!" The problem, from what we could find out, is that the clock in the IPad can change slightly when the 3G switches on and off. I guess GI needs to hire people to program that are beyond the old 2 cans and a string technology!

    I used to love this game, but with the time it takes to visit friends and all the glitches, it is getting old!!

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:17 am

    Dazza JP wrote:Hello,

    Any other players playing the game on an IPAD with just the wifi access ??

    I spend most of my time playing the game offline and then just connect throughout the day to gift, visit etc...

    Are there any benefits/issues with playing this way do you think ??

    I only play while connected to the internet (my iPad is WiFi only, but I tether to my phone sometimes).

    I feel anxious about playing while not connected to the internet. Besides, a lot of what I do is visiting friends and gifting - all of which requires a connection.

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  LaVentosa Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:53 am

    99% of the time I play with 3G only, as I don't have (and definitely don't want) WiFi around me.
    So far - no problems at all.

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:07 pm

    Admin wrote:
    Dazza JP wrote:Hello,

    Any other players playing the game on an IPAD with just the wifi access ??

    I spend most of my time playing the game offline and then just connect throughout the day to gift, visit etc...

    Are there any benefits/issues with playing this way do you think ??

    I only play while connected to the internet (my iPad is WiFi only, but I tether to my phone sometimes).

    I feel anxious about playing while not connected to the internet. Besides, a lot of what I do is visiting friends and gifting - all of which requires a connection.

    I'm a wifi person only, too. Although when stuck in the hotel last week with a terrible wifi connection I was able to complete a whole level up while playing offline. I was nervous about drops not actually being recorded, but they were. Felt very frustrated that I couldn't visit or gift though. I had o ly gotten through half of my gifting before we hit the road. Thought I'd get to finish at my sister's house before reset at midnight. Hotel was unexpected stop, so I wasn't able to gift the rest! I felt bad that I didn't get to get all my gifts sent!

    How do you tether to your phone? Is there a reason why someone would want to do that? I assume you probably wouldn't want to do that if you don't have an unlimited or a large data plan?

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:17 pm

    I tether by using Personal Hotspot on my iPhone. I have unlimited data through my carrier (though it's really slow). Better than nothing.

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Savannah123 Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:57 am

    I think it is only when you have wifi and 3G connected at the same time. If you play on 3G only you are fine, or wifi, if you have 3G or wifi running in the kicks off and the other kicks in... That is when you have the problem!! Check your connections, make sure if you run wifi that you do not have your 3G on!!

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    IPAD - Wifi only version Empty Re: IPAD - Wifi only version

    Post  Contessa1 Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:13 pm

    I play with Wifi, at home I like to have it connected so that I can get the gifts and, more importantly, friend requests for gifts in real time.

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