There are ways.
Last edited by CheezerWhizzer on Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total
HOJO 1645 wrote:Well today I was in the car and had my iPad connected to the internet via my phone (4g)... talk about nice and slow internet!! lol My hands never lost to the connection speed.. I am almost considering connecting to my phone in my apartment at certain times when i am making my rounds visiting friends! lol
- oh and if you have android Tmobile download foxfi and you can turn your phone into a hotspot for free... well at least I can! (I have a Samsung S2 running ICS, but ir worked with froyo too)
Good tip tho about running youtube on another computer!
It's just that life's so fast these days.... Why should there be only slow-food?Admin wrote:This thread made me chuckle
I'm sure newer players are wondering 'Why would I want to slow down my internet speed??!'