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    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?


    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels? Empty Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?

    Post  Admin Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:22 pm

    Is there any use for gold coins once you have all the rooms open?

    I have quite a lot of gold, and wondering if maybe I should just spend it all.

    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels? Empty Re: Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?

    Post  Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:26 pm

    So far the only use I have found for them is for banishing snatchins and buying copper charms...kinda stupid to make coins a reward but to have everything useful cost money IMO.

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    MM Name : rainkid

    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels? Empty Re: Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?

    Post  Admin Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:04 pm

    I am planning on using my gold coins in the same way. It takes a full day for me to gain my energy, so I guess I'll be buying a lot of copper phoenixes.

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    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels? Empty Re: Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?

    Post  sjwriter Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:19 am

    I prefer copper lucky clover, it just takes 1100 coins. Just have the feeling that the effectiveness of each room exploration looks more important.

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    Gold Coins - any use at higher levels? Empty Re: Gold Coins - any use at higher levels?

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