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    I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10


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    MM Name : summerville

    I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10 Empty I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10

    Post  summerville Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:38 pm

    If anyone would be willing to do the same ( I can take mine down to 1/10). We can beat the quests for a lot less $$ working together as others have said.
    Any friend of mine willing to work together?

    Posts : 152
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    Join date : 2012-06-18

    I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10 Empty Re: I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10

    Post  Soozicle Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:35 pm

    This is a beautiful idea, now that we know how it works, we can help each other. Unfortunately I'm past the ancient skeletons and don't see them in my manor anymore. If I can manage to get past the next one, the vampires, I'll try my best to leave my vamp at as low of a level as I can for peeps to use when they get to him.

    I think the game resets them, though. I had a friend earlier today have one at 1/10, so I asked her not to banish him so I could use him, too. She agreed, but by then he had disappeard from her manor (from her view), but he was still there at 10/10 when I visited her. We can't ask people to not completely banish them though because they'd not get to do the next monster quest, and we only have three more days, right?

    Posts : 46
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    Join date : 2012-04-25
    Age : 57
    Location : Charleston SC area
    Friend Code : e8483e
    MM Name : summerville

    I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10 Empty Re: I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10

    Post  summerville Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:28 am

    I left mine at 1/10 and have moved on to vamps. I will leave him at 1/10 as well. The trick is, you have to leave my manor and come back. If you just go for the next one that appears it will be 10/10. Much experimenting last night! Thank you friends who helped!

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    I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10 Empty Re: I just set up a weakened ancient skeleton 3/10

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