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    Emoji question


    Emoji question Empty Emoji question

    Post  Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:10 pm

    Question....I have Emoji set up on my iPad but it doesn't work in MM...what am I missing? scratch

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    MM Name : rainkid

    Emoji question Empty Re: Emoji question

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:39 am

    No idea - but when I tried it a few weeks back, it didn't work for me as well. I know walls cannot have emoji. Names can.

    Emoji question Empty Re: Emoji question

    Post  Guest Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:26 am

    Admin wrote:No idea - but when I tried it a few weeks back, it didn't work for me as well. I know walls cannot have emoji. Names can.

    There is a way..I have a friend that sends me messages with emoji in them.. Asked her but she must not have wanted to divulge her secret. Lol

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    Emoji question Empty ♉✳✨❤Tammy❤✨✳♉

    Post  Tammy Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:48 am

    Evie_B wrote:Question....I have Emoji set up on my iPad but it doesn't work in MM...what am I missing? scratch
    hello, this is my 1st post ever on this site. Some players have the old emoji in which you type within emoji app & copy & paste into the game. I suspect you, like me have the newer version that has a keyboard switch. Most of these keys do not work within the game. You need to practice by posting on your own wall to learn which keys work. Be aware as soon as you type one that doesn't nothing else after it will be printed. ❤️✨☀️♉️✳️⚡️☔️❌ are some that work.

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