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2 posters

    So how long should I leave it before deleting friends after the last 'update' ?


    Posts : 141
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    Join date : 2012-04-28
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    MM Name : debinapril

    So how long should I leave it before deleting friends after the last 'update' ? Empty So how long should I leave it before deleting friends after the last 'update' ?

    Post  Debinapril Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:54 am

    I couldn't believe it when we got an update half way through a timed quest and discovered that loads of people in my friend's list hadn't updated making it very difficult to visit and request etc. Some deliberately held off I know but surely will have caught up by now? I'd just about cleaned my friend's list and got rid of the non players from last time and now I am faced with doing the same job all over again. Some really quite high level players haven't updated too - fed up with all the messing about? I suppose we'll never know. So is now the right time or will another update be along in a matter of days?
    Yours fed-uply,
    Very Happy

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    So how long should I leave it before deleting friends after the last 'update' ? Empty Re: So how long should I leave it before deleting friends after the last 'update' ?

    Post  Admin Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:26 am

    This thread discusses this:

    Very Happy

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